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Member Since: 10 Nov 2005 02:48pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 30655

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Heyy my name is Alexis i am 13 years old i live in New Jersey i love to swim && yes i do swim on a swim team i love to play lacrosse i love to dance
  1. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2005 5:58am UTC
    I want a guy that will make
    me happy . someone who
    will make me , . . . smile
    when i hear his voice.
    someone that will love me
    unconditionally, i want a guy
    that will make my friends say
    to one another. . .
    " look. she's happy again . "

  2. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2005 10:57am UTC
    I went forever without a boyfriend because i was
    scared of getting hurt. then you came along and i
    fell head over heels.. thinking you wouldn't hurt
    me because you promised the world. we were *
    perfect. then everything just fell apart. all because
    of that one girl..

  3. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2005 10:57am UTC
    ".. && i remember when it felt like it would never end. that kiss. your body against mine. that feeling you get when you know taht youre supposed to be with this person
    ____ but sometimes G0ODBYES really do mean F0REVER. "

  4. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2005 10:51am UTC
    I`m really afraid that one day, we`ll
    somehow be split up && won`t be friends
    anymore. Or at least won`t keep in touch.
    && that will break my heart. So before it
    happens, I have to let you know, I love you.
    I have since 6th grade. && the night you danced
    with her right after you turned me down, I
    cried my eyes out because I felt like I wasn`t
    worth it, like I wasn`t worth my best friend`s
    time anymore. That girl could`ve had anything
    she wanted. && all I ever wanted was you.
    I`m sorry for never being good enough.

  5. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2005 10:24am UTC
    shes scared. scared to lose him. shes scared she'll
    do something wrong to make him want to leave. shes
    scared that he'll find someone else so much better
    then her. shes scared because shes realized
    how much he means to her.

  6. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2005 10:16am UTC
    No matter how ugly you think you are,
    that special person that loves you, believes
    you're the most beauitful and irresistible thing
    on the earth and nothing can ever change that.

  7. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2005 10:16am UTC
    For the first time I finally found someone worth trying to get. It's not like 'oh, I like him.' It's more like 'I really like him and I really want him'.

  8. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2005 10:15am UTC
    lets make the world jealous
    &&lets be the perfect couple
    without even trying...

  9. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2005 4:39am UTC
    run your fingers through her hair. play along when she says shes mad at you. let her roll her eyes and fuss, then pick her up and kiss her. hold her hand while you talk. buy her flowers. admit when you're jealous. tell her she is beautiful. open the door for her. have bummy nights on the couch cuddling and watching old movies. kiss away her tears. ask her to slow dance with you in her living room. kiss her forehead after she falls asleep in your arms. let her wear your clothes. pick her over all the other girls you hang out with. take silly pictures with her. play board games with her. kiss her in the pouring rain. admit that she is your weakness. write her letters. admit that you've fallen in love with her, and mean it.

  10. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2005 7:20pm UTC
    I sit here alone waiting for your call
    waiting for your call
    you call that says how you want me back
    your call that makes me alive again
    your call that makes me a happie person
    your call that will end my life
    the truth is the only thing that can make me happie again is to take my own life it may sound like a horrialbe thing to do but after what you did to me i may want you back but the thuoght of what you did to me will never go away

  11. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2005 7:17pm UTC
    She's so beautiful. . .
    She watches him walk away after all
    these months, &&memories, &&
    she still can't believe that it's over,
    he was her everything. && as she
    watches him walk away, she wispers
    "There goes the best thing that has
    ever happened to me" and a tear rolls
    down her cheak.. When she crys

  12. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:15pm UTC
    my dream would be to
    hear rocks at my window
    and to look out and see you
    standing out there in the
    -» p o u r i n g r a i n «-

  13. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:14pm UTC
    never date a guy
    ..who worries more about their hair
    then your heart <3

  14. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:14pm UTC
    theresz this special guy x
    to me he`sz one of a kind `
    people think i could do x3
    " better " but they`re out of
    T h E i R m i N d

  15. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:13pm UTC
    its nice to smile
    when I get your phone call at night
    but I'd rather have you here with me,
    right next to me
    I miss the way you hold me tight

  16. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:12pm UTC
    I wish you were here
    I wish you were here holding me
    I wish you were here kissing me
    I wish you were here making everything okay
    But really I just wish you were here...

  17. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:12pm UTC
    Once upon a time it happened to me, the sweetest thing that could ever be. It was a fantasy, a dream come true. It was the day that I met you.

  18. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:12pm UTC
    when I go to sleep at nite,
    Ill be thinkin about u
    when I go to school,
    and somethings hard,
    I think of u and get though it.
    And when you die,
    Ill think of u,
    And if I die before u do,
    Ill go to heaven and wait for u.

  19. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:10pm UTC
    when [ angels ] have no [( wings )]
    when its 100 degrees in december nd
    -10 in july // when 1 + 1 doesnt »
    equal t w 0 and the sun dont shinee
    nd the moon dont glow thats when »
    I ' W I L L ' S T O P * L 0 V I N G ' Y O U

  20. shutupandswimfly shutupandswimfly
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2005 5:10pm UTC
    i can be your tinkerbell
    you can be my peter pan
    and we can fly away together
    to never never land


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