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Member Since: 28 Sep 2008 05:59pm

Last Seen: 3 Mar 2013 02:17pm

user id: 55426

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Random Facts:
- I am 19.
- My birthday is on October 27th.
- I am 5'9.
- My brother is 6'6.
- I have over 5,000 songs on itunes (:
- My room is always messy, and i like it that way.
- I cannot use super glue without gluing myself or an object to something.
- I have my boaters license !
- I like fishing (:
- I am addicted to Grey's Anatomy.
- My stomach makes some pretty kickass noises :D
- Volleyball is the one thing I truly love.. besides my Mom.
- I can kneeboard, water ski, wakeboard, ski, & snowboard (:
- I'm planning to be a lawyer.

  1. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2010 3:54pm UTC
    i miss him
    more than he'll ever
    know & more than i'll
    ever show.

  2. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2010 3:43pm UTC
    i pushed away
    the one person i needed the most because i
    thought i would be fine without him. i thought i
    could just forget about him. i was wrong. now
    there's nothing i can do and it's all my fault.
    i wish i could fix things.

  3. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2010 4:15pm UTC
    you want to know what
    makes me love you more than i loved him? it's because
    when he got me, i was perfectly unused. i was fearless, and
    a hopeless romantic. when you got me i was bruised and
    battered. i was afraid of the world and cynical about love.
    and yet, you didn't leave.
    quote from xanga.

  4. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2010 3:59pm UTC
    i can't even cry
    over you anymore. Because honestly, you don't
    deserve that. You don't deserve any of my wasted
    teardrops. You don't deserve a thing from my life.
    quote from xanga.

  5. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    September 24, 2010 8:34pm UTC
    i told myself i'd give up
    on love forever. There wasn't a single guy out
    there that could be any different than the rest.
    you were the exception.

  6. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    August 17, 2010 3:30pm UTC
    everyone has their weak spot.
    the one thing that, despite your best efforts, will always bring
    you to your knees, regardless of how strong you are otherwise.
    for some people it's l o v e .
    -Lock and Key

  7. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2010 10:43pm UTC
    I need someone who can
    deal with me. I need a guy who will make me see things
    from a different point of view. I need a guy who will
    make me talk about the things that scare me. I need a
    guy who will make me open up to him, a guy who
    won't give up on me.
    *not my quote; my edit.

  8. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 17, 2010 9:50pm UTC
    laying there with your arms
    around me I felt so comfortable & safe. My heart was beating
    a mile a minute having you so close to me. As you played with
    my hair and kissed me I couldn't help but smile straight from
    my heart. I could see how much you cared from the look in
    your eyes. It made me never want to let you go. To just stay
    wrapped in your arms forever. Where nothing else matters
    b u t y o u a n d m e .
    *not my quote

  9. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2010 4:42pm UTC
    you are the strength,
    that keeps me w a l k i n g.
    you are the h o p e,
    that keeps me t r u s t i n g.
    y o u are the l i f e,
    t o m y s o u l .
    you are my purpose,
    y o u ' r e.e v e r y t h i n g.
    Everything by Lifehouse.
    *i cant decide if i like the colors or
    anything for that matter but oh well.

  10. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2010 1:48pm UTC
    there are over 6,800,000,000 people in the
    world. that's over six billion people. which
    means you are not the only person that
    does anything. i can guarantee someone,
    somewhere in the world does that same
    exact thing you do. so stop making quotes
    that start with " am i the only one that.. "
    because you aren't. you n e v e r are.
    *major vent haha

  11. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 16, 2010 1:42pm UTC
    Cancer is a word, not a sentence.
    -John Diamond

  12. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2010 1:06pm UTC
    my friends told me
    not to trust you. And when we first started
    talking again, I didn't. But as we talked
    more and more each night, I began to feel
    myself falling for you. And I hate myself
    for it, because I know should hate you.

  13. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2010 12:35pm UTC
    there's always gonna be
    that one thing you wish for but never get, that one
    mistake you can never take back & most of all that
    one m e m o r y you would do anything for just to
    h a v e i t a g a i n.

  14. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2010 12:10pm UTC
    we all have that boy.
    That boy who we're completely over, but we
    still think about him before we fall asleep.
    That boy who we avoid talking to, but we still
    wish he would IM us just once. That boy who
    we have to m a k e ourselves not t h i n k
    about, but we always w o n d e r if he is
    thinking about us.
    *mostly xanga

  15. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2010 11:49am UTC
    you’ve broken me
    so many times. and i'm giving you one
    l a s t chance to b a n d a g e this
    shattered heart.

  16. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    May 26, 2010 4:32pm UTC
    I am the kind of girl
    who enjoys the chase. I get a thrill when it comes
    to winning someone over and making them fall
    in love with me Then when rough times in a
    relationship emerge, I r u n off kicking and
    screaming. I analyzed my actions once. I came
    to the conclusion that I'm afraid of getting too
    close to someone because I'm scared to get hurt.
    When anyone takes one step forward, I take
    three steps back. I've done this my whole life.
    It is my greatest downfall, the reason I have
    lost so many loves.

  17. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2010 6:40pm UTC
    out of all the
    lies i've heard, "i love you" was
    my favorite, and "i miss you" was
    second best.

  18. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    April 6, 2010 9:06pm UTC
    1 1 : 1 2
    maybe there's a reason why you
    always miss it. maybe he's not
    just worth of your w i s h e s
    a n y m o r e.

  19. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2010 3:05pm UTC
    you gotta start listening
    to your b r a i n every
    once in a while if you
    want to s a v e your
    h e a r t.
    *not mine

  20. waitwhatxx12 waitwhatxx12
    posted a quote
    April 4, 2010 2:52pm UTC
    I was mid-laugh
    when you texted me. just reading
    your name on the screen of my
    phone stunned me so bad that i truly
    couldn't breathe. my face went to
    shock, disbelief, pain, & every other
    possible emotion.it felt like someone
    had just punched me in the stomach.
    & from my sudden silence & the look
    on my face, all of my friends could
    tell it was you.


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