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Member Since: 28 Jun 2010 10:42pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

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WITYYYYYY! omg i havent been on in foreverr((:
i miss you guyss! its a Friday night and im bored as heckkk. so imma check in with yallll! i havent writtten in almost a YEAR. cuz ive been sooo* busy. you dont know how busy ive been!!! its been crazy. this is an update and i hope to write soon!

April 15; .  


 Started; 7/26/1O. C:
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  1. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2010 12:50pm UTC
    That One Boy.
    Chapter 7.
    After we ate, we walked out of the lunchroom. He told me where to go and we quickly got in his car and drove out of the school. i felt so accomplished! I skipped school. I was smiling wide.
    "I just skipped school!" i yelled.
    Brandon smiled. "We both did."
    "Where do you wanna go?" he asked me, putting his hand on my seat.
    "It doesn't matter. I just wanted to get out of school."
    "Alright we can go bowling?" he smiled.
    "Yeah, if you want to."
    "Ofcourse!" He drove us to the bowling alley. We got out of the car and he quickly grabbed my hand. So cute. He opened the door for me and we walked inside. Brandon told me to sit down and he got our shoes. I guess he knew what size i wore...?(: He came back and i put on my shoes. He was putting his on too. When we were done putting our shoes on, we went to bowl! I went first. On the screen where my name was was supposed to be it said, "My babygirl." I smiled and came over to him and hugged him. He held me tight for a second and let me go bowl.
    While we were bowling, we were talking.
    "How do you like school?" he asked.
    "Its pretty good, i mean its only been my second day, i have a boyfriend, skipped school, and made some freinds! What about you?"
    "Well its amazing to me. I get to hang with my friends, skipped school today, and i have met the most beautiful girl in my life." he said and pulled me into a hug. I held on his hand and kissed it.
    "You are the most greatest thing that has happened to me."
    "How?" i asked.
    "Your my first girlfriend, ever." he told me. i froze. his first girlfriend? It seemed like he had like TONS !.
    "Yeahh. Your so amazing."
    "Then how come you flirt so good, and so smooth with your moves?"
    "I have no idea. I thought it wasn't anything and i thought i sucked and didn't impress you enough."
    "People impress me VERY easily. Like too easily. You have impressed me so much."
    We were bowling and when i let go of my ball, rolling it down the alley he grabbed my waist. "Youu hungry?" he asked.
    "Kinda." it had been only an one hour had passed, but i didn't hardly eat.
    "What do you want?" he asked squeezing on me.
    "Fries and a choclate milkshake?"
    "Ohk ill go get it be right back, love." he kissed my cheek and left. I smiled. Brandon was amazing. How come? He was so sweet and kind. He ordered and came back. He sat my food down on the table. He had a burger. He ate my fries and shared my shake with me.
    "Thank youu." i said.
    "For what?"
    "I didn't do anything."
    "Yesss you did ! You have done so much."
    "Well your welcome, you mean alot." He said and i moved closer to him so i was putting my head on his shoulder. We kept bowling and finally were done. We put our shoes back and got in his car. He was driving to my house, to drop me off. He pulled to the side of the road. I sat there still.
    "Today was fun." i said.
    "It was wonderful."
    "Im glad you had fun."
    "Cause i was with you." he took my hand and held it into his hands. I smiled. He was smiling back and leaned forward. Now, our forheads were touching. I was freaking out right now. I did want to kiss him. Right now, but then i didn't. I think it was too soon. I don't know. So i didn't.
    "I guess ill see you later?" i said. he quit smiling.
    "Alright, bye Brandon." i hugged him tight and got out of his car. He waited till i shut the door. Befoure i did, i waved and smiled. He left then and i went to my room. I felt so ashamed. I didn't kiss him.
    He was dissaoptined. He wanted to kiss me, but i didn't let him. It just wasn't the perfect timing i guess. I feel so bad though. Ill make it up to him. We'll go to the movies. I texted June and told her to meet me at the park so i could tell her everything.

  2. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    October 8, 2010 7:08pm UTC
    That One Boy.
    Chapter 6.
    i watched everyone in the class. i didn't know anybody so i wanted to see who there was. Same types of people. Nerd, preps, jocks, and more. I couldn't wait till second period. I had yearbook. Usally you have to have been at that school already to be in yearbook, but this school was different. I got to be in it. Brandon was in it too. The bell is gonna ring like in 3 mintues. I gather all my things and then i relize the bell rang. I hurried out of the classroom, not getting many stares, just more like glances and looks. I walked up the stairs and went to room 36. I saw some interesting people in the yearbook room. When the bell rang i only saw about 15 people in the yearbook staff. I sat next to Brandon, who kissed my cheek when he came in. Mrs. Woodsen, the yearbook teacher wrote on the board, " TODAY'S LESSON; Thinking of a theme for the yearbook.
    "Alright youu will gather in groups of 5 and brainstorm of some ideas you want for our theme of the yearbook this year! You may now get into groups." she said.
    Brandon grabbed my hand and squeezed it. i smiled, probably like an idiot. Brandon, 3 other boys, and i were in a group. Werid, cause i was the only girl. But it didnt matter. They were all nice. They were Brandon's friends.
    "Yo, i think we should do like an ipod thingy and all." One of them said, Josh was his name.
    "COOOL. I was thinking of it saying : SHS. On the front and have just pictures and all. i dont know." someone else said, who was Blaire. They all started laughing and joking. Brandon had a cute laugh and smile. It was ADORABLE. i smiled when he laughed, and then they started making me laugh, hard. i think i was turning red. ha.
    "STOP!" I said laughing.
    "What?" Josh asked.
    "Youur making my stomachh and mouth hurt!" i said.
    "Im not saying anything."
    "Yes you are!" i said.
    "Whatever you say." he smiled.
    Brandon put me in his lap and we were just talking, not even thinking of ideas. We were having fun laughing an having funn. Brandon would kiss my back and wispher in my ear often. Mrs. Woodsen didn't say anything about that. She was discussing the ideas on the board and crap. 2nd period was over and i heading out the door. I didnt get to see Brandon till lunch. He hugged me tight before i left to go to Science. Bleh.
    "See youu at lunch, beautiful." he wisphered in my ear and kissed me. i nodded and hugged him one more time. Science was down the hall, so i had time. i easily walked science, waiting for lunch.
    "Your dating Brandon?" someone asks. It was a girl. She had red hair. Like literally red.
    "Yeahh..." i said.
    She nodded. i wondered why she said that. But who cares. I didn't. i was so bored. i wanted to skip school and hang out with Brandon. My school was laid back, i could just tell. People were chewing gum, texting, eating in class with out getting caught. I wanted to see Brandon, badly.
    I found Brandon in the lunch room and June. June smiled and waved at me. I sat by Brandon and ate. I got introduced into his friends. While we ate i wisphered into Brandon's ear, "I want to skip the rest of the day to hang out." i smiled after i said that. "Me too. Youu in it?" he smiled and pulled me close. I nodded and smiled. "Ohk, we'll sneak out." He said and i couldnt wait.

  3. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    October 2, 2010 10:02pm UTC
    That One Boy.
    Chapter 5.
    It was the next morning. i checked my phone, and i had gotten a text. From Brandon. It read "Good morning gorgeous." I blushed reading it. I didnt respond, i just got ready quickly. Throwing on a blue arepostale shirt with skinnies and my sperry's. i srunched my hair, and applied my makeup on. A more natural look. I zoomed out of the house and started walking to school. I saw June.
    "ALAINA." she sang in a high pitched-voice. i laughed.
    "JUNE!" I yelled. She caught up with me.
    "Hey Brandon likes you." she told me.
    "I kinda figured."
    "Just telling you."
    "Ohk. Haha."
    "Soo what?!"
    "Youuu like him too?!"
    "Umm i don't know."
    "I know you do. Its okay if you do."
    "OHK FINE! I do." i blushed.
    "i knew it!"
    "You know now too."
    "You should talk to him."
    "I will. He always does."
    "That's great!"
    I laughed and we were suddenly at the school now. I walked up. June took my elbow and guided me to a group of girls. They must have been her friends?. i guess so.
    "Ohk so this is Alaina." she said.
    "This is Meagan, Courtney, Brianna, and Kayla."
    Meagan had blonde hair. Courtney had brown hair, Brianna had brown curly hair, and Meagan had blond hair too. They were all pretty. We started talking for like 15 mintues. Until, someone grabbed my waist and hugged me. i spun around and saw Brandon, i smiled wide.
    "Let's go." he said. He took my hand and we walked somewhere.
    "See you later!" June smiled.
    We walked till we were sitting on a bench.
    "Hey." he smiled.
    "So..i was thinking..."
    "Go ahead." i touched his shoulder and smiled.
    "Do you want to go out? I mean i know we like JUST met, but something about you... it drives me insane." I smiled when he said that. I hugged him and wisphered in his ear, "Ofcourse i willl." he kept hugging me. Dude, i got a boyfriend on the 2nd day of school! Wow.
    "HEY YALL!" June said. She ran over here.
    "Hey.." i said.
    "SO?! Are you guys together?!" she was a hyper one.
    "CONGRATS! Brandon wouldnt keep talking about you nonstop!!"
    "Shut up June. Go away." he was embaresed.
    "It's ohk." i smiled and toook his hand and squeezed it.
    "I'm so happy for you. Kbye!" she left and ran to her friends.
    "I'm sorry about her..." he began to say.
    "It's fine. I know shes hyper and all. I think it was cute." i cut him off. I leaned on his shoulder and put one of my hands on his neck. The bell rang. UGH. School. He got up and held my hand. I walked to my locker, him beside me. He kissed my cheek and told me he'd see me in second period. I hugged him. Everyone stared. They saw i was dating him. I dont know why they stared. i just walked to first period.
    When i walked in, i took my seat and did my work, only thinking about Brandon.

  4. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    October 1, 2010 7:18pm UTC
    That One Boy.
    Chapter 4.
    We sat ontop of his roof. He sat beside me.
    "So...? Why are we here?" i asked.
    "To get to know each other." he smiled.
    "Whats your favourite color?" he asked.
    "Orange. How about yours?"
    "Green. When's your birthday?"
    "March 2. Yours?"
    "January 15." he smiled.
    "How old are you?"
    "16. How old are you?"
    "15. I thought you were in 1Oth grade?"
    "I am. Started school late."
    "You thought i failed or somethingg?"
    "NO Stupid." i punched his arm. He grabbed my arm and caught it. He held onto it. He was looking at me. It was akward.
    "We should go find June." i said.
    "Alright." he helped me up and we walked into the house. Haha. We came back inside and i saw June.
    "Hey girl." i said.
    "Hey girl! What did yall do?" she winked at me.
    "NOTHING!" i blushed.
    'Actually we were talking...on the roof." he winked at me.
    "Some chemstry going on?" June laughed.
    "Shut up!!" i yelled.
    "Your denying hun." she said.
    "You guys like each other!" she screamed.
    "NO!" I blushed so red.
    "Dude, your blushing yes you do." she smiled wide.
    "She'll do that alot. So dont get mad or anything." he wishpered to me.
    I nodded. "i think i should go now. ill stay for dinner another night." i started walking out the door, tilll Brandon caught my arm.
    "You left your phone." he had it in his hand.
    "Thanks." i said looking down. He put his finger under my chin, making me look up.
    "Anytime. See you later Alaina." he hugged me, again. This boy was smooothhhhhhh. He squeezed me again, and wishpered into my ear. "Bye alaina." he smiled and i waved June goodbye and smiled at Brandon and left. I walked home. I saw my family eating dinner.
    "Hey, i'm home." i said.
    "Just in time, dinners ready." my mom said.
    "Cool." i ate quickly and went to my room. I was exhausted. I layed on my bed. My phone vibrated. I got a text from... Brandon. ?
    Brandon loves you.(:- Hey Alaina.(: Sorry, i stole your phoneand added your number to mine. :D
    Me- Oh wow Brandon.! Haha ohk.
    Brandon loves you.(:- Yeah what are you doing?
    Me- Nothing, laying down. hbu?
    Brandon loves you.(:- thinking.
    Me- about?
    Brandon loves you.(:- some amazing girl.
    Me- cool?
    Brandon loves you.(:- she is.
    Me- who is it?
    Brandon loves you.(:- You.
    Me- Oh.
    I was speechless! He liked me! Ofcourse he liked me. the way he acted around me. The way he talked. His vioce was soft and easy. We texted for like 2 hours. I took a shower and texting him till i fell asleep. It was Friday tommorow. Last day til weekend out of this hellllhole. Ha, it was only my 2nd say of school, and i hated going already.

  5. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 26, 2010 3:22pm UTC
    That One Boy.
    Chapter 3.
    I walked to the park and found June waiting by the swings. She was standing on it swinging around. i walked up to her.
    "Hey." i said.
    "Hey cuhh." she said. i laughed.
    "Let's go to my house." she said.
    We walked to her house. it was huge. Nice house.
    "I love your house dude." i said.
    "Thanks. Heres my room." she said, walking into it. It was so pretty. Blue wallpaper and nice funiture and a big walk in closet. I walked into it and saw TONS of clothes!
    "DUDE! Your closet is like...amazing!" i screamed.
    "Haha, i know. You can borrow some of my clothes sometime. We're the same size."
    "Will do."
    "Haha, im hungry. Lets go eat something." we walked into the kitchen and she ate. i grabbed a water.
    "Hold on." she said.
    She left the room to do something. I was looking at the pictures on her refridgerator.
    "Hey." someone said. i spun around and saw Brandon. Great. He was here. He looked fineeeeee.(; Just saying.
    "Hi." i said shyly.
    "Whats up?"
    "June inviting me over and talking to you." i said. he moved closer.
    "Cool. Thats nice of her. I was going to talk to you, but since your here, i can." he winked. I moved over so he could get something from the fridge.
    "Hey im back." June said.
    "Hey." i said.
    "I see you met Brandon." she smiled.
    "I met him at school, but i have." i said.
    "He's nice. Come chill with us Brandon." she said.
    "Ohk." he smiled at me. I smiled back.
    "I wanna watch a movie. Ha." June said. We sat on the couch and Brandon sat beside me. Ugh really? I liked him, but i just broke up with someone! I guess it didnt matter. I guess i moved on and should be nice to Brandon, give him a chance maybe.
    We started watching the movie. It was Charlie St. Cloud. I didnt cry. I wasnt a baby like that. I dont cry easily. Brandon put his hand around my shoulder. I let him. I put my head on his shoulder and drifted into a sleep and didnt remember anything else.
    When i woke up, i was in Brandons arms on the couch,laying down?. He was holding me. He smelled so good. I looked up at him. Where was June?
    "Hey, you fell asleep, June told me to watch you. She had to go walk the dog. Hah." he said smiling.
    "What time is it?" i asked.
    "4:30. You can stay for dinner if you want." he moved a piece of hair away from my face.
    "I think ill go home. But maybe next time?" i smiled.
    "Ofcourse." he said.
    "I think i should get going now." i said.
    "Again? Can you stay?" he wispered.
    "Ohk. ill stay." i smiled.
    "Thank you." he smiled at me and carried me somewhere.
    "Where are we going?!" i asked.
    "Showing you my room." Brandon said. We walked to his room, which smelled just like him. Yummm. He plopped me down and sat beside me.
    "OW!" i said.
    "I'm sorry Miss Alaina." he winked.
    "Very charming." i said sarcastic.
    "Oh well ill show you charming." he said and moved closer so he could kiss me. I moved away. Too fast my friend.
    "Woahhh, slow down boy. We just met." i joked and punched his arm.
    "I think i know enough now."
    "Very funny."
    "Not funny? Well if you wanna know each other more, then lets know each other." he said.
    "Come here." he grabbed my hand and we were walking somewhere, which was on his roof. Brandon was still holding my hand and we sat down. He was right beside me. This was the most romantic talking spot ever.

  6. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 25, 2010 11:11am UTC
    That One Boy.
    Chapter 2.
    You know how i said i needed to meet that guy? Well, scractch that. I was taking a break from guys like a said. Lunch was over and everyone was outside, it was the end of school. I didn't want to leave yet. I stood there watching people and somone tapped my shoulder, again.
    "You look lost, you need a ride?" i saw it was the guy at lunch i was staring at. "Uh, no. i'm just gonna chill for a couple of mintues." i said.
    "Well, i'm gonna chill with you." he said, and smiled.
    i smiled back and we walked to sit on a bench.
    "What's your name?" he asked.
    "Cool name. Mines Brandon." he smiled.
    "Cool. Is this your first year here too?" i asked.
    "No, i went here last year."
    "Do you like it?"
    "Yeah, its like one of the best schools ive ever gone to."
    "That's good."
    "Yeah, where did you move from?"
    "Oh, did you like it better than here?"
    "Uh, i dont really know. Its my first day of school and havent really met anyone. So i dont know yet."
    "Well, youve met me." he grinned.
    i laughed. "Yes i have."
    "Did you meet June?" he asked.
    "Yes i did. She just came up and talked to me."
    "Right, she always does that. Shes my sister."
    "Thats....your sister?"
    "Yeah, step sister."
    "I didnt even think you were related!"
    "Most people say that."
    "I can tell."
    He smiled. I was thinking i should get back home now. But i wanted to keep talking to him. I need a break from guys. i thought.
    "I think i should get going. ill catch you tommorow at school?" i asked standing up, walking away. He grabbed my arm and i turned around.
    "Can i get a hug?" he asked smiling.
    i smiled back and he pulled me into a hug. He squeezed me and he smelled delicous! He let go.
    "See you later, Alaina." he grinned and waved.
    "Bye Brandon." i said and walked towards my car. I was supposed to have somone in the car with me cause im 15, but no. I didnt need to. My school was right down my neighborhood. I walked inside and saw my brother, Andy watching t.v.
    "How was school?" he asked.
    "Cool i guess."
    "Thats good, mom and dad are still at work."
    "I know. im going upstairs." i grabbed a bag of chips and a soda and went to my room to get on facebook. Someone was pending me. Brandon was! How did he find out my last name? I accpeted and June sent me one, i accpeted too. June was on.
    Hey girl, wanna come chill at my house?
    Oh sure now?
    Yeah meet me at the park.
    i logged off and ate my chips and soda and went downstairs to go outside and meet June at the park.

  7. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 7:57pm UTC
    That One Boy.
    Chapter 1.
    Ofcourse. I'm the new girl sitting at lunch by myself. Eating pizza and fries. With a water. I looked all around the caf. Looking at people. It was my first day here. I was watching all the groups. Jocks. Preps. Emo's. Nerds. Wanna bee's. Ghetto kids. Whorres. Biitches. Hoess. Diiicks. And thats it i think. You might think i'm some stupid freshman looking for a group of kids to hang with the whole year, but no. I was a sophmore. I'm 15. My name is Alaina.
    I have brown wavy hair and blue eyes. I'm pretty tall. And skinny. I have green highlights in my hair. I have a brother who is 17. I live with my dad and mom. Regular average family, eh? I scan around looking for guys. That's what i do all the time. I scan for a cute boy to stalk.(; Hah, just kidding. I'm taking a break from boys now. I just broke up with mine for about 8 months. I miss him. But kinda over him. I live in New Jersaaay and i moved from Flo-ridaaa.
    I ate my lunch in slience. Until someone enteruppted me. Somone tapped my shoulder. I flinched.
    "Hey, i'm June." a girl said. I turned around to see her. She was pretty. Brown hair like me and brown eyes. She smiled wide and her teeth were white.
    "Hi, i'm Alaina."
    "Cool name. You must be new here? 9th gade?"
    "Actually 10th. But yes, i'm new."
    "Alright. Your my new friend! Let me see your schedule."
    "Sure." i gave her my scehduale.
    "We have 3 classes together. P.e, yearbook, and chemistry. Which is 4, 5th, and 6th."
    "Yeah, ill catch you up later. Bye Alaina." she said. She waved and smiled. i smiled back and watched her leave. I traced where she went and she sat near the ...umm... she didn't have a group. She was a jumper. She jumped from group to group. I watched her leave and i caught my eye, on someone. Someone that was beauitiful. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Tall, and had a beauitful smile. Gorgeous. I had to meet him, June knew him, so there was my key to his lock.
    WHOOP WHOOP. Like it? Comment pleasee.
    Thank youuu so much. :D

  8. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 23, 2010 6:57pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 12.
    Thank you for reading my story. I don't feel like finishing up. It's getting boring and i don't have any other ideas. So i will post a new story up and comment/fave about it! Thanks so much! (:

  9. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2010 3:32pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 11.
    When i woke up, Dalton wasn't beside me like he was last night. Tyler was. Oh Dalton. He did anything for me. I looked up at Tyler.
    "Good morning." he said.
    "Good morning."
    "Dal is making breakfest."
    "Ohk. Sounds good."
    "Yeah." he said and kissed my forhead. I wanted to see Dalton.
    "I'm going to go help out in the kitchen, stay here." i said and kissed his lips.
    I left the couch and went to the kitchen. Tyler couldn't see us.
    "Hi." i say.
    "Hey Blue." he says and brings me into a big hug.
    "I missed you." he wishpered.
    i smiled. "I missed you too."
    "Wanna help me out?"
    "That's why i came in here."
    "Oh really? I thought you came in here to see my perfect body, you know the abbs?" he pointed. He had no shirt on. I laughed. Part of that was true!
    "Hah, very funny." i said sarcastically. And then laughed real. He pulled on me and hugged me.
    "Making muffins. Your favourite." he said. He knew it all about me.
    "It is."
    "Chocolate to be exact." he flashed a smile, making me feel numb.
    "Right." he kissed my cheek and let go. I helped him make breakfest. He would randomly come and kiss me. I wanted him to stop. I didn't want Tyler seeing. I didn't want to cheat either.
    "Stop it! Tyler will see!" i wisphered and laughed.
    "Huh? He's too busy watching t.v." he said and like made out with me. DUDE!
    "He didn't see that either."
    "DALTON!" i yelled quietly. His kiss was amazing. But he needed to stop!
    "What?" he said, sounding innocent.
    "Cause." the muffins were ready and we called Tyler in. We all ate.
    "I'm gonna go shower up babe." Tyler said.
    "Alright." i said. he kissed me on my lips and left.
    "Jealous much?" i teased, watching Dalton's facial expression.
    "I am not." he lied.
    "Sureeeeeeeeee." i said.
    "You know what im not jealous. i already have gotten a make out and you touched my abbs girl." i rolled my eyes.
    He came and kissed my lips. They were soft. He kissed me for a while and we layed on the couch watching t.v. I didn't want Tyler to be here. He was getting annoying. I don't know why though. I wanted him to be Dalton instead. Replaced. It sounded harsh, but thats the truth m'dear.

  10. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2010 5:07pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 10.
    We got to my house and went up to my room. Tyler jumped on my bed and fell asleep in like 5 mintues. Me and Dalton decided to watch the movie together. We went in the living room. I was cuddled near him. Dalton had his hand on my hip. He was adorable.
    "Blue?" he asked.
    "Can i ask you something?"
    "Sure go for it." i said and smiled.
    "Well i really like you. Like more than friends. Your amazing. But you have a boyfriend." he confessed. HE LIKED ME! I liked him too! But i was with Tyler. Not Dalton.
    "Awhh Dalton. What are you asking for?" i asked, looking up at him.
    When i said that, Dalton pulled me close and kissed me. He kissed me. I was laying on him and kissing him. My hands were around his neck and his were on my back. His tongue twirled through mine. Mine did the same. I only had one time to kiss him and i used it. I may sound like a sluttt hooking up with 2 guys but, Tyler was my boyfriend. Dalton was my bestfriend. Was it wrong to kiss your bestfriend? I tried to pull him closer to me and kiss him harder. But we were already doing that.
    Dalton was a great kissser, as i said before. His mouth moved gracefully with mine. He moved so he was on top of me now. He still hadn't let go. I ran my fingers threw his blonde hair. I let us kiss harder and longer. He made me feel more important than Tyler did. Tyler seemed like he was changing. The bad part is, he staying with me for a while./: I wanted to be with Dalton now. He let go. We were both out of breath badly. I breathed hard.
    "Blue, i love you so much." he said and kissed my neck.
    "Dalton, i love you more. Like really. Alot. Please don't go." i wishpered. He was still kissing my neck. "I won't ever. I love you." he wishpered in my ear and kissed it.
    I thought for a second. I had just kissed my best friend. Now. For about 1o mintues? Wow. I started to cry. I didn't know why.
    "Dalton, i have a boyfriend. Please don't leave." i cried more. What the hellz was i saying? I didn't even know.
    "He doesn't have to know love. I wont leave." he wishpered. He.called.me.love. i loved him SO much.
    "I love you." i tried to say. I cried more.
    He kissed away my tears. He was right for me. So much. How long did i not realize that? But i had been with Tyler for 2 years. He was amazing. Like literally amazing. I also loved Dalton. He treated me so good. He kissed good. He cared for me so much, more than ever. Instead of 2 kids one love, wasn't it 1 girl, 2 loves? It wasn't suppose to work like that. I had to chose one. Who though?
    "I love you more." he wishpered in my ear. He would wishper things in my ear to make me feel better. like, "Your beautiful." "Your amazing." "I love your eyes." "I love you so much babe." But it started to get carried away. he called me babe. I wasn't his babe. Yet.(; I couldn't do this to Tyler. I mean really? He was my boyfriend for 2 years. I just met Dalton last year.
    I was confused. While i was, Dalton kissed my neck, ears, cheeks, lips, and forhead. I kissed his cheek and lips. My hands went to his shirt. i pulled it up. I touched his abbs. i had to! I mean he had some!! I did and he smiled.
    "You look tired." he wishpered.
    "I'm not." i lied.
    "Quit lying. Go to sleep and ill be here in the morning." he wisphered in my ear and kissed it.
    "What about Tyler? He'll see you laying with me."
    "Don't worry, he won't see. Get some sleep Blue. I love you." he said and kissed my lips one more hard time. I loved him alot. How could i not see that? I held his hands and drifted off to sleep, thinking about Tyler. But also thinking about how much i loved Dalton.

  11. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2010 10:39pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 9.
    I watched Tyler and Dal play basketball. It was funny when they would miss and make random throws. I tried going against them and failed. Badly. I kept laughing at how they played. The game ended.
    "Who won?" i asked nervously but smiled.
    "ME! Haha." Dal said. he was happy. Very happy.
    "Hahah ho ho ho, wait i did." Tyler said jokingly.
    "How about i go inside and make something to eat while you play again to see who won?" i asked.
    "Sure." they said.
    i went inside and made some food. i just piled chips on a big plate and sodas. i went back outside and they were sweating like crazy.
    "Heres the snack." i said. they stopped playing and ran over to chug down their sodas. and they ate up the chips. i barely ate any. i just let them be.
    "Ohk, so did the game end?" i asked.
    "Yepp." Tyler said.
    "Who won?" i asked.
    "I DID THIS TIME!" Dalton said. I guess he won both times. i had wanted to kiss him. alot. For years i wanted too, we havent known each other for years but it seems like it. But i dont want too kiss him and like him more cause im dating Tyler.
    "Pucker up Blue." he said jokingly and laughed. Tyler laughed too.
    "Right." i said annoyed.
    "Come here." Dalton said and i stood infront of him. Tyler was laughing.
    "Better enjoy the moment Dal, shes mine." Tyler said and walked in between us kissing my lips. i smiled. Dalton pulled me close to him and i felt myself blush. Hard. His arms around me close i felt safe for once. His arms were around my waist and secured tightly. My hands were around his neck and our forheads were touching. He finally put his lips on mine.
    Since we had to "makeout" his lips got more intense on mine. They started to press harder. i liked it. My lips began moving with his and i pulled his head closer to mine. Both of our arms got tighter around our bodies. His tongue slipped around mine. Uh, that was part of making out? I didnt move my tongue yet. His tongue circled mine smoothly. He was a great kisser! My tongue started to move also. I felt him smile when i started kisser harder back. I smiled too. It felt like we'd have been kisser forever, but it was only i think 3 or 2 mintues.
    "Alright times up, enough smooching. She's mine." Tyler said smiling. I let go first, out of breath. My eyes had been closed the whole time. I opened them, and he was staring at me. He was smiling wide, smiling like an idiottt. I laughed softly.
    "I loved that." Dalton wishpered in my ear and walked inside to get some water iguess. Tyler's arms were around my waist.
    "My turn right? Or we wait till were in bed?" he said, being a perv. Nasty. He was smiling and laughed.
    "Uh no. Don't be gross." i said. He dropped it. I went inside and he followed behind me getting the plate and sodas. Dalton was on the counter table. He was drinking water.
    "Let's watch a movie." i said.
    "Ohk. Ill get it." Dalton said and we walked to the couch.
    "Babe, i'm sorry i have to go. Can we go home now?" he asked.
    "Cause i'm tired." he said. he sounded tired.
    "Alright babe, let's go." i said and got up from the couch.
    "Dal, come crash at my house." i said.
    "Ohk." we all went outside and went into Dalton's car to drive to my house.

  12. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2010 3:32pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 8.
    I was panicking. He was crying and breathing hard. I've never see my boyfriend cry this hard. I rubbed his head.
    "Tyler...what happened?!" i said fast.
    He cried.
    "Tyler, tell me." i was getting nervous.
    He cried more.
    "Baby." i started to cry too.
    "Blue, my mom is forcing me to leave. Tommorow."
    "W-hh--hh-yy?" i said.
    "Cause. They want us to leave. They want me away from here."
    "Can i stay with you?"
    "Ofcourse baby."
    "Let me pack some clothes." he said pulling away still crying.
    "No. i will. Sit down and calm down. Don't cry." i told him in his ear and kissed his lips. i let him lay on his bed while a packed some cloths for him. i packed his toothbrush, hairbrush, and other stuff. i was done in a bout 5 mintues. i layed beside him on his bed. he pulled me so close.
    "Blue... your amazing. i love you." he wisphered and kissed my ear. i stiffened. i think he noticed. so he just smiled and said, "your beautiful." i smiled back.
    "Let's go." i said.
    "Alright." he got up and pulled me up too. We walked to the front door and saw his parents. they were staring at us. i had to make up an exuse about the bags i had in my hand that were his.
    "We're going camping for the night...we'll be back in the morning." i said nervously.
    "Oh fun." his mom said.
    "Yes ma'am."
    "Have fun. bye."
    i nodded and we went outside. i was walking infront of Tyler. His arms wrapped around my waist.
    "Thank youu love." he said. i smiled so wide.
    "Let's get out of here." i said and got in his car, drivers seat now.
    "W-hh-aa-tt? Missy, i think you should sit in the passenger seat." he said jokingly.
    "Not-uh. Me ish driving." i said.
    "Ohk, don't blame me when we crash." he said and laughed hard.
    "HEY! Im not a bad driver!"
    "Whatever you say babe." and he kissed me hand. i drove to my house. We went to my room and i put his bags down near my door. He sat in my chair, and i went over to him and sat in his lap.
    "Let's go to Dalton's. i was supposed to go to his house." i said.
    "alright. now?"
    "If you want to."
    i got up and we walked to his house instead of driving. No sense to. We held hands while walking to his house. He was silent. But it was a good silence. We got to his house, and i walked inside with Tyler. Dalton was on the couch watching t.v. i was tiptoeing to jump on him on the couch. i did it! score! Haha. He grabbed me tightly and said, "Slick huh?" and smiled.
    "Indeed." i said and laughed hard.
    "What's up?" he asked still holding on me.
    "Me and Tyler came to walk to your house. Now were hear." i smiled.
    "Oh right." He let go of me and got up. He was hurt cause of Tyler's name.
    "Let;s go shoot hoops." Dalton said to Tyler."
    "Kay. Blue come watch." Tyler smiled.
    "Winner gets to make out with Blue." Dalton said. i laughed hard!
    "Haha ohk but imma win dude." Tyler said.
    We walked outside and watched them play. It was funny.

  13. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 6, 2010 12:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 2:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 4, 2010 1:24pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 5.
    We grabbed a burger and fries and In-And-Out burgers. We ate in his car. I could see him staring at me the whole time. I would blush, and try not to smile by the fact that he kept looking at me. I turned to face him.
    "Blue, can you be my girlfriend again? I didn't mean to hurt your, or make you sad. I ddn't want to break up with you. But i had to. I don't have to now. I'm not going to move." he said, holding my hand. I smiled.
    "Yes." i leaned i to kiss him. While we kissed, i felt him smile. I grinned back. Tyler was the "different" one. He knew how to treat a girl with respect, love, and kindness. I had missed those lips of his. He let go. I saw him blush. I pulled his face close to mine,"you know you blushed. When you blush, its adorable." i wishpered.
    "Not adorable as you."
    "Quit it. I'm not pretty."
    "Blue, your fhucking beautiful. Don't ever say that."
    "It's the truth."
    "No its not. If i ddn't think you were beautiful inside and out, i wouldn't date you. But since you are, you deserve someone to treat you right." he kissed my cheek slowly, letting his lips just sit there on my cheek. That was sweet to say. "i love you." he said still lingering his lips on my cheek.
    "i love you more." i said and squeezed his hand. We drove to my house, he dropped me off. He walked me to my door. "I had a great time Blue." My back was against my front door. His hands were around my waist.
    "I did too. Thanks for taking me." i said.
    "Anytime. Catch a movie at my house tonight?" he asked leaning his forhead against mine. I felt beat red.
    "Sure. Around..."
    "1O? Ill pick you up."
    "Alright. Ill see you tonight."
    "I love you." he said, and kissed my lips, so soft and lightly.
    "i love you too." i kissed him back and hugged him bye. He wached me go inside then left to his house. I dialed up Dalton's number.
    "DUDE." i said excitdely.
    "YO, what happened?" he asked.
    "I'm coming over. Ill tell you when i get there."
    "Aiight bye."
    I hung up and ran out the door to drive to his house.
    I ran up the stairs to his room and ran into him, hugging him tight.
    "Guess what guess what guess what?" i said really fast!
    "IM BACK WITH TYLER!" I screamed, he smiled and looked sad.

  16. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2010 10:09pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  17. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2010 7:14pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 3.
    It was the next morning. I slept over at Dalton's. I sat up from the couch, and saw him laying on his bed, watching t.v. He looked up at me. I got up and sat on his bed, crossing my feet, sitting criss cross-apple sauce. I smiled.
    "Goodmorning." i said happy all of a sudden.
    "Goodmorning, how'd you sleep?" he asked smiling sitting up with me.
    "Thats good."
    "Yup." i move to sit in his lap. Even though were not dating, i could still do that. I got nervous when i was sitting there, just in his lap. He wrapped his arms around me, friendly like.
    "What do you wanna do today?" he asked.
    "Hang with you. Invite some friends, i don't care."
    "I'll hang out with you."
    "Sounds good to me."
    "But what are we actually gonna do?" i asked, turning in his lap to face him. My face was heating up, bad. I could feel it.
    "Doesn't matter." he said, smiling wide. He looked down and looked up.
    "Let's eat, im hungry." i said, poking his stomach.
    "Don't poke me, i get to poke you only." he said jokingly, poking me, then started to tickle me. I start to laugh. "Stop!" i say. He doesnt. He does it even more.
    I get up and walk out of the room, pretending to be mad. I storm down the stairs, into the living room. His parents were out, nobody home. I lay on the couch, pretending to be mad. I have my hands over my face, and my knees close to me. Kinda like im ducking for a tornado storm. I hear his footsteps down the stairs and hear him come close to the couch. I smile at the thought. He is behind the couch, hugging me.
    "I'm sorry." he says. His vioce is amazingg.
    I dont speak."
    "Im sorry." he repeats.
    I still dont speak.
    "Please forgive me?" he asks, hugging me tighter.
    I get up and start to smile. "I wasn't even mad." i say and climb over the couch, for him to hold me. I needed to stop. It made it seem liked i liked him. Alot. I dont even know if he likes me. Im going to fast. Stop it Blue. I say to myself. He carries me though, puts me on the counter and gets out gritz for us to eat. He starts making it.
    "Hey, no im cooking. You sit down." i joke.
    "Its my house."
    "My house too."
    "Hah, i guess it is. But im still making it."
    "Urgh, fine."
    I watch him make it. Thinking of everything cute about what he does. Urghhh, i keep doing it. I'm falling for him. Could i like my bestfriend that much? If we went out, would he ever hurt me? I didn't know. So many questions and thoughts trailed throught my mind, like walking through a maze, trying to find its way. I hadn't relized he was done making it. He gave me my bowl and milk. I drank and ate my break feast. He was done too. I got a text. From Tyler. My eyes started to water when i saw his name on my screen.
    Tyler<3- Hey babe, can we hang?
    I had still had a heart by his name. And he still called me babe.
    Me- Sure, but im at Dalton's. In about 2 hours?
    Tyler<3- Alright, see you then. :)
    Me- Kbye.
    "Tyler wants me to hang with him." i say playing with my leftover gritz.
    "Go then. Ill catch up later." he said.
    "But i wanna hang out with you."
    "Go talk to him. Ill catch you later and we can go to a movie or something."
    "Good, ill see you later?"
    "Yepp." i hug him bye, wanting to stay in his arms. I leave his house and go home. Urgh, home. I didn't like home. I took a shower and put on jeans and a top. Played around with my hair with some mouse, then put some makeup on and texted Tyler.
    Me- Where do you wanna meet?
    Tyler- Uh, ill pick you up.
    Hah, i changed it now. No heart. Even my heart was still for him.
    Me- Kay.
    He pulled up my drive way and knocked on the door.

  18. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2010 7:56pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 2.
    The reason i was crying into tears is because my boyfriend broke up with me. It wasn't cause one of my friends died or i was sick or pregnant or anything. It was my boyfriend. We have been together for about 2 years. Since i was 14. He has been one of the most closest person to me in my life. His name is Tyler. Brown hair, tall, muscular i guess, and amazing. The reason his ashole self broke up with me is because he said he was moving. He was moving to Georgia. We live in Arizona. Miles away. He hasnt moved yet though. He will in like 4 days. But he told me now, so i could be "prepared." i dont know. i shouldn't call him an ashole cause he didn't do anything wrong, its his parents. He still texts me and misses me. i haven't visited him yet, nor seen him at school. He's packing up. I was clinging to Dalton. He was friends with Tyler, but they werent close.
    "Hes...juss...gotta..leave." i cried out.
    "Shhh its ohk." Dalton wishpered to me, stroking my hair.
    I wish she knew i loved her. ALOT. I wish i could kiss her and make her happy, instead of seeing her down and crying. I stroked her hair and kissed it. I don't know if she knew i liked him. I wanted to make her happy and shake her making her understand i've always liked her. We met last year, but it seems ages ago. Right when i started talking to her, i have liked her ever since.
    "Lets watch a movie." i suggested. Watching movies made her feel better.
    "Ohk." she still cried. I put in a random movie and layed her on my couch in my room. I was the only child, so i got what i want. But wasnt those preppy spioled kids. I put a blanket around her and we layed together on the couch. I wish she liked me like i like her.
    BLUE'S P.O.V
    We cuddled on his couch while we watched a movie. I laughed in some parts. i quit crying after a while. I was feeling better. He stroked my hair and would laugh with me. The movie was over. It was Friday, so no school. Thank god.
    "What do you wanna do now?" he asked.
    "I need a box of ice cream. Double chocolate please." i said smiling.
    "No, i don't need you to get fat off of ice cream." he said pulling me into a hug. i've always loved his hugs.
    "Fine. I'll just leave." i said, begging in my mind to stay. i wanted to stay but i wanted to see what he'd do. I walked to the door and opened it. He ran and was behind me pulling my arm, tackling me to the floor. It was cute. I screamed and laughed. He was laying on me, smiling.
    "You can't go anywhere now missy. Your staying with me." i loved his vioce and how he said it. He wanted me to stay. Score!
    "Ohk." i smiled wide. He looked serious. I was getting nervous cause he kept looking at me, into my eyes and he was concentrating on me, hard. He got off me and went to his bed. i think he was ashamed or i dont know. I felt bad. I got up quickly and sat by him on his bed. I grabbed his hands and pulled on them. Making shure he was listening to me.
    "What's wrong?" i asked.
    "Nothing." he faked smiled.
    "Yes..." i said.
    "Why are you sad?" i aked.
    "I'm not."
    "Prove it." Haha, how was he gonna prove it? He smiled really wide and hugged me. His arms were tight, and he squeezed me. When he was happy or excited, he would do that. Now i could tell he was happy ...i think.
    "Is that better?" he asked.
    "Way better."
    "Staying over tonight?"
    I'd always sleep over. I wouldnt sleep with him though. I would sleep on his couch and he would go on his bed. I liked his couch, and he always offered his bed instead, but i chose the couch. One time i was pretending i was asleep and he layed by me, kissed my cheek and stroked my hair. He secretly likes me i think. I don't know. He hasnt done it ever since. i think he caught me not asleep, but who knows? I love that night when he did that.
    "Ofcourse." i smiled. I got on the couch, hugged him goodnight and fell asleep, wishing Dalton liked me the way i like him.

  19. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2010 12:52pm UTC
    Two Kids, One Love.
    Chapter 1.
    i wascrying in tears. Badly. I was blaring my ipod in my ears, even though it hurt. i hated loud music. it was annoying. But i could listen to very loud music when i was in the mood. Right now, i wasnt. Instead of having that music blare right in my ear, i put it on my ihome . My masacra was running, eyeliner too, my hair tangled and jacked up, also my eyes puffy. i was hurting so bad inside. i screamed almost everytime i could. my doors were shut and locked. i couldnt hear anything else, or anyone. My phone kept vibrating of texts and missed calls. i cut it off and threw it against the wall. i hurt so bad. i was hurting too much inside. My friend, Jade was out of town so i couldnt call her. i needed somone right now, that could handle me. Not my parents or older brother, or cousins, someone who loved me besides family. Jade is my bestfriend. We met at school when i was a new student, and became so close. i havent ever met anyone like her. I decided to call Dalton. Dalton was my best guy friend. He was like my twin brother. i loved him so much, but i dont think he feels the same about us dating.
    But before i call him, i have to introduce myself like all the other stories or meeting new people, whatever. Ohk, so i'm Blue. Yep, thats my name. Blue. No need for the last name. Not important. I'm 16. I actually just turned 16. I have my drivers linscene and all. I have brown hair. Tall but kind of average for a 16 year old. Uhh, im not pale, but not tan. im in the middle. i pree skinny. I think im fat, but truly all the girls say im skinny. i have beutiful blue eyes. People always comment on them. Theyre very pretty. Light blue and a hint of grey. My hair is always kind of scrunched. Its about as long as where my bra strap is. Its thin too. But not so thin. I have a cartlidge and a belly peirced. Thats prolly all you need to know.
    So im gonna call Dalton. Dalton is amazing. He's always there for me. I turned my phone on, banging it with my hand cause it takes forever to turn on. I dont read all the texts messages and missed calls. Although most were from Dalton, checking on me. He's always worried about me. i dial is number, shaking cause ive been crying so much and panicking. He picks up after the first ring.
    "Blue, what the helll is wrong? You havent been answering anything." he said really fast.
    "I need to come over." i try and say.
    "Come over then. Now." he sounded so demanding.
    I didnt answer him, i just hung up. I had already been wearing sweats and a baggy shirt. No makeup, cause it wahsed away from my tears. I threw on flipflops and my hair was in a messy ridiculously bun. I left the house and drive to his. He lived the on the neighborhood right next to mine. I sped and drove up his driveway. He was already waiting outside for me. I ran to him and hugged him so hard and didnt want to let go. He needed to know i felt wrong. I think he already figured it out by the way i looked and acted. He carried me to his room. His parents were in the kitchen. They didnt hear us. He set me down once we reached his room. But he stood there holding me.
    "Don't be sad." he wishpered in my ear.
    I just cried into his chest. He shirt was wet.
    "Don't cry." he wispered. he didnt like me looking sad, worried, mad, or crying. He always wanted to make me happy. Thats what i loved about him.
    New Story! :D
    Comment and tell me what you think!
    Should i keep wrting? Thanks! Fave too!

  20. xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx xMUSiiCJUNKiiEx
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2010 7:23pm UTC
    Chapter 18; Part 2.
    I woke up the next morning. Found Mark sound alseep beside me. Justin was asleep too. I looked at the clock. No wonder. it was only 11. They'd prolly wake up around 1 or so. I looked at Mark and smiled to myself. He was the one. The love of my life. I loved him so much. I kissed his lips, while he was sleeping, and began to kiss mine. He woke up. Such a light sleeper. I started to smile and he smiled with me. Justin was sound asleep so he couldnt see us nor hear us.
    "Sleep good?" i asked.
    "Amazing." he said and smiled wide. i held my hands arond his neck and looked at him. We looked at each other and he kissed my forehead.
    "What should we do today?"
    "I have to work, but im gonna ditch it today. To hang out with my amazing girlfriend."
    "You need to work."
    "No i dont. i dont have to. i want to stay here."
    He grabbed my hands and squeezed them. "Please?" he asked softly. "For me. Thats all i ask." he wishpered. i wanted to cry. He made me give in all the time.
    "Fine. One day. Thats it." i said. i dont know why i cared if he worked or not.
    "I owe you love." he wisperes and kissed my lips. i had to kiss back and he made me feel happy again. i had a mood swing.
    "i love you." he said while we kissed. it wasnt making out, nor little kisses. it was in between. we werent kissing to hard nor too soft. it was juss to perfect kiss. He made my day, he made everysingle day for me. Every since i went out with him on a "date." i loved him from then. He was perfect. Took care of me in every isty bisty way. He wanted to stay with me. Not go to work. He wanted me, for me. He'd sleep with me, beside me, knowing he didnt ever and never wanted to leave me.
    When i was in the adoption center, he wanted me out of there asap. He chose me out of all the girls. Me. It was me. No one else. Even when he left me for 2 whole helll of weeks, he called me and texted me and missed me. I knew he did. When i got hurt at the skatepark, he wanted to stay but he had to work. When he came back that night from being away for 2 weeks, we had a fight kind of. He still put up with my temper tanstrums and crap. He held me so close and tight when he told me he used to fhuck girls them leave them. i knew everything. When we'd have those fights, i felt like i was loosing him, not getting him even more.
    When we swam late at night, or chilled at my house or his house. It was amazing. When we helped Andrea over her break up and drama. And his family reunion. Meeting his awesome cousins, and going to the carnvial, getting those awesome cousins a date. All this time, out of every fight, love, kiss, hug, touch, and conversation, he chose me. I feel like the luckiest girl on earth. Me. For once im living my dream. My dream is being with Mark. The best boyfriend anyone could imangine.
    "I love you." i said. and kissed him so passonately. i didnt want him to leave.
    "Your smiling and blushing, and happy." he said with a smile.
    "Why are you doing those things?"
    "I was juss thinking."
    "How amazing my life is and the BESTEST boyfrien i have."
    "Your life must be awesome."
    "Its epic. With you being in it, makes me survive."
    "I live for you now." When he said that, he kissed me like no other kiss before. Something different. Something new. Something that made me know, he loved me alot. i knew right then, Mark Barnette, was my life. i love him.
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I will write another story after this, so dont worry. C:
    Make sure to check that one out. I LOVE YOU GUYS!


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