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Member Since: 29 Dec 2004 03:48pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 18752

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  1. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    December 22, 2005 3:54pm UTC
    Her dreams .. were so much more bigger than ego
    Just because there were to many things that she just
    C o u l d n t L e t G o

  2. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2005 7:37pm UTC
    a promise is a promise ..thats whats said ..yeah welcome to reality hunni most of em are broken right after there made ..

  3. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2005 7:52am UTC
    think of it..yu only live OnE* life..ThAtS iT..nd yu never kno when yu could die..yu could die tomorrow or even today..but serioulsy do yu wanna die in the position ur in now?..a lot of people say they wanna kill themselves..but before yu do think about till yu screw everything up..yur never gonna come bak to life nd ur just hurting a whole bunch of other people if yu do..nd why does everyone wanna be so misrable? thats just half ur life wasted because of something happend ..

  4. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2005 7:51am UTC
    PeOpLe ThInK i'M nEvEr GoNnA bE gOoD eNoUgH oR pUlL tHrOuGh..YeAh MaYbE tO yOu..OnE dAy I'lL pRoVe YoU AlL wRoNG..nD tRuSt Me It WoNt Be LoNgG..i'M sMaRtEr ThAn YoU tHiNk WhAt YoU sEe IsNt WhAt YoU gEt..

  5. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    April 15, 2005 12:53pm UTC

  6. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2005 4:59pm UTC
    I'll never forget that day..
    i stayed up so late just thinking of why..why this was all happening..i cried so much that night..no one knew..i kept all my feelings inside he thought i was so strong nd i could take on anythingg..but he was wrong but i didnt want him to find that out and let him down..i couldnt believe this was actually happening..i was so scared he was gonna be gone for good..i have no clue wat i would do if he left my life and was never by side again..he was always by my side when i felt like i just wanted to die..he was always there for me and still is..all because he lived..i love you dad =/

  7. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2005 4:46pm UTC
    iTs AlL bEcAuSe Of YoU i Am WhO i Am..*

  8. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 2:53pm UTC
    we must be wishing on the same star..cause for some reason she keeps getting what i WiSh for..*
    didnt know where to put it..

  9. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2005 2:43pm UTC
    ..i'm sorry i'm not beautiful..i'm sorry i'm not her..i'm sorry i screwed up..i'm sorry i lost you..i'm sorry i lied..i'm sorry you cant trust me anymoree..i'm sorry i'm own person who you dont like..but wat i'm really trieing to say is..i'm sorry i'm not *PeRfEcT*
    n0t really donee..but i cant finish it now..

  10. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    March 13, 2005 2:06pm UTC
    you do some things that you later regret..but you'll never really seem to forget..you do some things in life you'd never think of doing..nd then it leaves a scar..one that never really seems to heal..at first you think its no big deal..but then as you sit there thinking of what happend and why you did it..it gets to you..minuete by minuete..your conscience takes hold, hard to breathe as you sit there crying your eyes out wishing you wouldve had the commensence of making the right choice then just making one of the biggest mistakes of your life.
    all minee..dont take credit for it!

  11. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2005 2:40pm UTC
    what do y0u do when the [O-n-L-y] person who could make you stop crying is the [O-n-E] who made you cry?

  12. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2005 3:24pm UTC
    YoU tHiNk YoU kNo WhEn ReAlLy YoU hAvE nO iDeA!..y0u juDgE mE wHeN rEaLlY y0u DoNt EvEn KnO mE eNoUgH tO sAy AnYtHiNgG aBoUt Me!..YoU tHiNk I dOnT cArE wHeN rEaLlY iTs ThE oNe ThInG tHaT bOtHeRs Me ThE mOsT!..

  13. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2005 3:19pm UTC
    i DoNt KnO wHy I jUsT cAnT lEt Go Of *YoU*..ThErEs SoMeThInGg ThAts HoLdInG mE bAk..I jUsT dOnT kNo WhAt..=/

  14. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    March 9, 2005 5:08pm UTC
    I aLmOsT wRoTe A sOnG aBoUt *y0u* ToDaY
    bUt I t/O/r/E iT aLl Up aNd ThEn I t-H-r-E-w iT aWaY!!
    Almost-Bowling for soup

  15. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    March 1, 2005 11:02am UTC
    no matter wat i do..i'll NeVeR forget you..I'll never forget how your smile lite up my day..and how you always used to say you loved me more than AnYtHiNgG in the world..I'll never forget how you were my first *ReAl* kiss..and the way you used to holdd me..I just wish you could see that were MeNt to be..You madee everything seem alright for OnCe in my lifee..I SwEaR! i'll NeVeR fOrGeT anythingg that we once had..and right now i'd probably do just about anything to be back in your arms and have everything seem alright..and just to feel your lips against mine for one last timee..

  16. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2005 2:59pm UTC
    I'd LiVe In PaIn JuSt To SeE y0u HaPpY..:-\

  17. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2005 1:49pm UTC
    I really really miss you..
    cant you tell by the hurt in my eyes?..
    and by all the tears that i've cried?..
    i know to you it wouldnt be a surprise since you've made me cry a million times..
    but i really cant live with the fact that your gone..
    I guess you can say i just really thought you were the OnE..

  18. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    January 28, 2005 7:13pm UTC
    im sry im not the way -->yOu<-- wanted me to be
    but your opinon i dont really need...

  19. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2005 5:58pm UTC
    i love you all i wanna do is be with you...
    i dun know what i would do if i lost you...:-\

  20. xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx xOxHeArTbRoKeNxOx
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2005 5:40pm UTC
    You never know how much one lil thing could hurt you SoOo much! till you actually do something cuz you felt like you werent enough...All you wish was that they could feel all your pain and go through what you've been through all the hurt and mistreatment and those useless dayz you wish could just go away!
    100% me!


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