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Member Since: 23 Nov 2008 02:46pm

Last Seen: 11 Apr 2013 06:50am

user id: 58512

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status: sometimes the worst goodbyes aren't spoken, but a feeling inside when you know its too late

hey my names lauren!:]  i'm your typical teenager, way too much drama..all that crap. but heres more interesting stuff!! i have brown curly hair with brown eyes (boring let me tell you) .i get over it though! (i absolutely have to have my nails painted at all times. i love soccer, basketball, and lax and i like to text..especially boys! (awh come on who doesnt?:])  and i love to write homerun! i dedicate most of my freetime to it! i can be hyper. and i get down on myself easily.  my favorite color is purple and i have my bestie meggles who i can't live without!! some things that bother me are mean people/rude people/perfectionists.  i don't like jockers.  i love twilight, but if you don't thats okay, because i think everyone's entitled to an opinion and i don't like to tell my friends about witty because i just feel like no one can judge me here, and i like to make friends on witty.  so if you want to talk. i would love too!! *more in interesting facts!
these are some of my fave things!
color: purple
movie (other than twilght and new moon): p.s. i love you
song (right now): one less lonely girl, baby it's you, your guardian angel.
actor: rob pattinson (obviously)
actress: ashley greene
singers: jonas brothers, the fray, ne-yo
book: the twilight saga (i can't just pick one)
tv show: it's on with alexa chung. phinease and ferb(:
i would love to do requests for anyone! just include your colors and whatever you want in the quote.  you can be as specific or careless as you want! it shouldn't take that long. but just leave comments!
i just want to say thanks sooo much to all my supporterss! i love you all so much! i hate to say it, but i'm going to be drawing my story to a close, but i will be starting a new one.  i just can't think of anything new for devon and pat to do that won't be copying someone else.  but no need to worry, i will be starting a new one momentarily, it's just schools soo annoying, i can't write anymore. i'll try to keep you all posted ! (:

check out my new mini series started to wait for "the darkest hour." it's called "down to earth."
journal (:
i'm gonna write about my life.  feel free to read! (:
january 3, 2010
i've been vidchatting a lot on my new laptop (: with kids who will remain anonymous.  but they're seniors, omg! haha i like the one, but seniors? idk i'm not that crazy.  we'll see. if i can stay good friends with him, this might work.

LoveMyProfile.com - Profile Counters
thanks soo much for all my fanart :]
if you would like to make me some. let me know :]
hands-1.jpg picture by msoddancerx3
thaanks sooo much to emilayx3 for my first fanart!
(i would def comment her if you want some fanart! she's amazing!!)

edwards-crooked-smile-twilight-s-2.jpg picture by xbri42x

(credit to briiannaa! thaankss so much!)

Holding_hands_by_homarte-1.jpg picture by haleylaxx

thanks soo much to haleylaxx
(you should check out her quotes :])

balet_studiofanart.jpg picture by its_an_inside_joke

thanks soomuch to its_an_inside_joke!
(she's reaaally good :])

deeff some credit here to _NextInLine she's awesomee !
(thanks soo much!)

this is by xothecullenatorxo
(their really good..and they love twilight!! thankss so much!)

this is by erinnnnx3
(this was awesome!! thanks soooo much)

this ones by oursecretclub
(thanks soooo mucch! i love itt ! )

Quote Hall of Fame:
some of my all time favorite quotes! so congrats (:

this ones for the girls, whos ever had a broken heart.
i know you still love him. i know you read locked texted messages.
i know you want to go to school telling everyone your over him.
i know you wait by your phone. i know you get excited when it rings.
i know you cry. i know you cry that it hurts too much. i know you
listen to the saddest songs. all the breakup songs. i know you
spend another hour in the morning just incase you run to him.
i know you're on AIM just hoping he would sign in and talk to you.
i know if both of you are on, you just wait there. block everyones
IMs. I know you want to yell at him for everything he did.
i know you dream and think that things will get better and he
would apologize and youd forgive him. i know you read
all his i loveyous. his i miss yous. everything. i know you
wouldnt compare him to any other guy. you just think hes yours.
i know you cant imagine him with anyone else. i know you cant
imagine yourself with anyone either. i know you come to witty.
i know you just cry yourself to sleep. i know. trust me. this
is my life story. im in this big mess. that i dont need.
but heres the thing. listen to me. & listen. you need to hear this..
he doesnt love you anymore.. he erased those text messages from you
much too long ago. he goes to school telling everyone hes done with you
and means it. he couldnt care less if his phones ring. hes a boy. he
does not cry. he laughs. hes not hurt at all. he goes on aim to talk
to his buddies. he doesnt listen to break up songs. he listens to whatevers
on. again, hes a boy. he doesnt care about you anymore. he doesnt care if
he sees you again. he wont aplogize because hes stuborn. he has non
of your messages. he didnt get those butterflies when you said you loved him
unlike you, you got those butterflies. he compares you. to all the girls.
hes always imagining himself with somebody else. someone  better..
he has no effin clue what witty is, i guarentee that. but do not let this
ruin you. in time, things will get better. already, youre slowly forgetting him.
youre better than him. you dont need him. dont spend a second worrying about
someone who doesnt love you anymore, or never did. its not worth it. because
later on, you will find a boy, who would never do such a thing to you. and you
will question yourself about him. so keep your head high. and show them teeth and smile. because sweetheart, you deserve to.

[oh-em-gee. has to be my fave quote of all time! made by _justaprettymess. thank you for this beautiful piece of quote-ature.  i legit cried when i read this!]

Okay, I'll Admit It.
i'm far from perfect.
i play basketball, instead of being a cheerleader.
i'm not the thinnest i could be,
but i'm not fat.
I'm not breathtakingly beautiful.
I act stupid and crazy to get guys to
notice me.
I talk about people behind their backs
sometimes, and always regret it.
I laugh at things that aren't funny.
I fall for any boy i think
i might have a chance with.
I occasionally cry and listen to Taylor Swift,
although i'd never admit it outloud.
I hate my family sometimes.
My friends don't belive me any more; can i blame them?
friend, daughter, girlfriend, teammate;
i'll admit i'm not worth it

one day your gonna want that girl. the girl who knew she wasnt perfect, but tried to be perfect for you. the girl that believed the scraps of you that were given were worth it, because something was better than nothing. the girl that wanted nothing more than to be there for you, and loving you was the only way she could. the girl who sees your flaws but values them as much as your strengths. the girl who still cant bring herself to hate you, even though sometimes you probably deserve it. the girl that who saw past your pretty eyes and treasured parts of you no one else has ever appreciated. the girl who realizes she may never have your heart, but will carry the image of you in her forever. the girl that saw all this and still loved you. the girl who finally gave up, just like you told her too. the girl that doesn't even think she deserves you. the girl that should have you, but doesn't.

I'd rather die tomorrow than live
a hundred years
without knowing you.

The worst thing is loving someone_*
when you know you shouldn't anymore
It's caring about someone, wondering
how they are and what they're up to when
the truth is they've stopped wondering
about you a long time ago. The worst
thing is remembering every single detail
of your relationship when he's obviously
long forgotten about you. The worst thing
is missing him so much when he doesn't
even realize you're gone, the worst thing
is feeling the same as you ever did,
knowing you shouldn't,
Because he doesn't anymore.

"shhhh," she said. "i'm sleeping." just like that.
from a hundred miles an hour to asleep in a
nanosecond. i wanted so badly to lie down next
to her on the couch, to wrap my arms around
her and sleep. not fuck, like in those movies.
not even have sex. just sleep together, in the
most innocent sense of the phrase. but i lacked
the courage and she had a boyfriend and i was
gawky and she was gorgeous and i was hopelessly
boring and she was endlessly fascinating. so i
walked back to my room and collapsed on the
bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain,
i was drizzle and she was a hurricane.
-Looking For Alaska, John Green

 ^idk why i love that soo much? i just doo! haha i would love love to be that girl.

     i like my music loud.
         I mean LOUD. I’m not talking the kind of loud where your parents knock on your
bedroom door and ask you to turn it down. Please. That’s amateur hour.             
When I say loud, I mean you-can’t-hear-your-parents-knocking-and-the-neighbors-
     are-putting-a-FOR-SALE-sign-on-their- house-and-moving-to-another-block-because-
they-can’t-handle-the-constant-noise-anymore loud. You have to turn it up
so that your chest shakes and the drums get in between your ribs
like a heartbeat and the bass goes up your spine and frizzles your
brain and all you can do is dance or spin in a circle or just
scream along because you know that
however this music makes you
it's exactly right.

         //  Audrey, Wait

[thank you for making the quote of my life (: conversexriot)
Here's the Quote of the day! it usually describes how i'm feeling today! (:


the best
is THe
KinD THa
THe souL

every honest mis take;

scream it in your heart
b e c a u s e   y o u   w o n ' t   s a y   i t   o u t   l o u d  

But listen carefully to the sound of your
Like a heartbeat it drives you mad, in the
stillness of remembering
what you had.
Never be picky about farewells
(_.·´¯`·×» they're not promised, and they're not guranteed
+& sometimes you will be even lucky to get a goodbye at all
i love you not only for what you are, but
what i am when i’m with you   
       -Elizabeth Barrett Browning

*for all the homeruns..go to the name hopelessxromanticoxo and that's where i'm going to start my new series..check it out, and follow (: *
  1. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2010 12:24am UTC
    funny george lopez moment (#25)
    benny: hey angie, you wanna use my gun?
    angie: are you crazy?!
    benny: it's registered under your name, you might as well use it.

  2. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2010 12:19am UTC
    funny george lopez moment (#24)
    max: laura ortiz wouldn't kiss me! the bottle and it pointed right at me! she spun the bottle, she has to kiss me. THAT'S THE RULE !

  3. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    June 21, 2010 12:18am UTC
    funny george lopez moment (#23)
    angie: that is a complete double standard!
    george: no it's not, it's one standard for men, one standard for women. that's two standards! a double standard would be what i said, twice.

  4. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 9:51pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    January 4, 2010 9:16pm UTC
    baby, close your eyes
    don't open till the morning light.

  6. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 31, 2009 8:00pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2009 3:29am UTC
    i wanna be someone's gerry.
    -daniel, p.s. i love you

  8. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2009 9:53pm UTC
    i'm nothing you
    ever wanted.
    but i'm everything you
    ever needed.

  9. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2009 12:47am UTC
    down to earth
    part #6
    high school, senior year
    finally we'd made it. senior year graduation. i looked in the mirror, and i didn't believe the person staring at me was about to graduate. i spun around in my white dress, and slipped into my wedges. chris told me he would come up today, and i was super excited. we'd still remained close, even though i never thought we'd be able to. he'd come up almost every weekend. after about a month of that, my mom and i felt bad, so we'd switched every other weekend. i hadn't seen him in a couple weeks though because all of his friends were having graduation parties. i went to his, and he was valedictorian. he made an awesome speech, and i was cheering the whole time. surprisingly matt and i had continued to go out. we didn't get in a lot of fights, and chris and him were like best friends. i straightened one last piece of my hair, and my doorbell rang. i got up, and ran downstairs. at my front door was my best friend, standing there in khaki shorts and a polo.
    "hey yo!" i squealed as i opened the door.
    "hey yo, look at you." he said, checking me out.
    "i missed you!" i said, and i jumped into his arms. he hugged me back, until my mom came to the door and said,
    "hey chris, how are you?"
    "great mrs. williams, how are you?"
    "good. just getting ready for the graduation." she said, and she stormed away.
    "how have you been?" i asked, and i pulled him into my house.
    "great. you know, a lot of parties." he smiled.
    "and not seeing me." i said.
    "sorry, emily wouln't let me leave." he said. emily was his current girlfriend he would swear he would marry. i still loved chris, but just as a friend, and that wasn't ever going to be enough. and i loved matt too, but it just seemed uncomparable to chris's, so i didn't often.
    "it's okay. you're here now. i have to finish doing my makeup, come upstairs." i said, and he followed me to my room. i put on some blush, and mascara, and eyeliner, and i was done.
    "you look beautiful." he said.
    "awh thanks," i smiled, and i grabbed his hand to go downstairs. i glanced up at the clock, and it was almost time to leave. we drove in his car, and when we got there, we all took a bunch of pictures. everyone greeted chris, and then it was time for the graduation. after a bunch of tearjerking speeches, we all got called up. when my name was called, i looked out, and saw chris standing and cheering. i smiled, accepted my diploma and walked to my seat. after we all threw our hats up, i ran to see chris and matt. we all got in a picture with ryan, to capture the moment that would last in our minds forever.

  10. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2009 11:50pm UTC
    yea, i "liked" you. but now i don't so
    shut the hell up.

  11. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 2:24pm UTC
    there were Christmases when I didn't wonder how you are tonight ♥

  12. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 2:22pm UTC
    I've been doing fine without you, really ♥
    ----> up until the nights got cold. and everybody's here, except you baby. it seems like everyone's got someone to hold. </3

  13. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 2:21pm UTC
    I know this shouldn't be a lonely time ♥
    ----> but there were christmases when you were mine </3

  14. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 2:19pm UTC
    Season's greetings, hope you're well ♥
    ----> well i'm doing alright, if you were wondering. lately i can never tell.

  15. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2009 2:17pm UTC
    please take down the mistletoe ♥
    ----> cause i don't wanna think about that right now

  16. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2009 5:45pm UTC
    you're beautiful
    i kept telling myself. but no one else saw it. so now i only say,
    i'm ugly.
    and everyone sees it just fine.

  17. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 23, 2009 5:21pm UTC
    down to earth
    part #5
    i ran all the way up to my room, and locked the door. i jumped on my double bed, and started crying. i grabbed the picture from sendoff, and looked at it. it was me kissing his cheek. how am i gonna live without him? my phone started ringing, and matt was calling me. i got my voice strong for a second, and answered,
    "heyy. " he said. his voice did make me want to smile, but one more glance at the picture made me quiver.
    "hey matt, sorry. its not the best time right now. call you later?" i asked.
    "oh its okay. you wanna talk about it?"
    "no." i said, and i hung up. i stretched out across my bed, and concentrated on the ceiling, trying hard to hold in my tears. after immeasurable moment, my phone started ringing. getting angry, i picked it up and looked at it. it was chris.
    "hey-yo." i said, in a weak voice.
    "hey, you sound like you can't sleep." he said. his room was at the same spot next door, so we knocked on the wall and you could hear it.
    "i can't." i said.
    "can i help?"
    "what are you gonna do?"
    "just give me a sec." and he hung up. i heard some banging on the boundary between our two 3rd floor balconies. then i heard a soft thud, and my door opened. i turned to face it, and he was standing there in the soft glow of the moonlight. he smiled.
    "hey" i said.
    "hey." he whispered. he walked over and sat on the edge of my bed. "you okay?"
    "no." i said. i looked at my iHome and it was a little after 3 in the morning.
    "i thought so." he said, and frowned. "listen mand, if there was anything i could do about this, you know i would do it." he offered.
    "i know, i know." i said, "i overreacted, i'm sorry." he looked at me sorrowfully.
    "but you are right about one thing." i said.
    "what?" he asked.
    "there is something between us." i said, sitting up.
    "i know." he looked down. "but you have matt."
    "matt's my boyfriend, you're my bestfriend. you're much more important."
    "then as your best friend, can i ask you something?" he asked.
    "anything." i vowed.
    "kiss me?"
    "chriss," i began. but he leaned closer, and i closed the gap with a kiss. my stomach did a flip and a half, and i had such butterflies. we pulled away, and i said.
    "as a friend, i'll always be there for you."
    "whenever you need me. my door's always open mand." he said.
    "same here." i promised. and i hugged him goodbye as he snuck out of the room.

  18. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 21, 2009 10:37pm UTC
    down to earth
    part #4
    send off was great, the after party was great. matt and i hung out a lot, but then i went with chris to help him feel better, but he seemed like he was over it. the summer of eighth grade was soo much fun. chris and i had twin beach houses, so it was like we never left each other. everyday waking up at twelve, and going to sleep at 2. it was perfect. one day, before i left the beach house to go home for preseason, chris took me on a walk. i'm not going to lie, we'd gotten flirtier with each other, but we were still best friends. nothing ever got awkward , we loved each other. i might have loved him more than a friend, but i would never tell him that. i'd been going out with matt all summer. he'd never gotten jealous about how close chris and i were. we sat down on a swinging chair, and he grabbed my hand. i looked at him. somthing didn't feel right.
    "mand," he began. "you and i are best friends. that just starts it. we've been friends ever since kindergarten. you can't deny there's something between us." he said, i just looked down.
    "you can't." i admitted. "but."
    "shhh." he said. "now, i'm not really sure how to say this, but, i'm moving to north carolina."
    "wh-what?" i asked, confused. we'd lived in georgia our whole lives, and neither one of us planned on moving.
    "my dad got offered a job there, and he couldn't turn it down." he said, and he squeezed my hand. my eyes started to tear.
    "but chris." i said, "i can't do it without you."
    "do what without me? i mean you have ryan to get you through high school," he trailed off.
    "no chris, i can't do life without you. we've been inseparable since i could remember. everything was always 'chris and mandie.' how are we going to change that?"
    "mand, this is soo hard for me." he said, looking down. he sounded like he was going to cry. i hugged him.
    "don't get upset because of me." i said.
    "no, i can't do life without you either." he said, his brown, squinty eyes looking into mine.
    "what are we gonna do?" i asked.
    "i'm coming home every weekend. i don't care what my parents say. every break i'll be here, with you. it'll be like i never left." he said.
    "but you did." i said, and my tears were too much. i released the grip on his hand, and sprinted back to my house.

  19. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 3:40pm UTC
    down to earth
    part #3
    we all got to the dance at the same time. like all glamorous schoools, our dance was held in the gym. the dj was good, playing songs like tik tok, body language, and songs like that. after disturbia, the dj was on the mic and said,
    "alright, i know middle school's rough, and high schools next for all you youngsters, so find your best friend, and scream this song with them, because we all know you would do this song with your best friend." i scanned the crowd, and i saw ryan and chris next to each other, because they'd been dancing with their dates right next to each other. i ran over to them and we all screamed, when the song "the great escape" came on. it was one of our favorites. we danced together for another song, then when i got an unwanted glare from carly, i left.
    "i'll talk to you later chris." i said, and he looked at me, then he saw carly over my head. he nodded, and i slid throughout the crowd. the dj then came on and said,
    "alright, everyone grab your someone special someone, and show them how much they mean to you." i looked around again, and then matt came up behind me, and said.
    "do you wanna dance with me?" i smiled, and answered.
    "of course." and the song you and me, by lifehouse came on. we swayed side to side. i would look up into his eyes, and he would smile at me. i had such butterflies oh em gee he's soo cuteee! i kept thinking. at the end of the song, he lowered his head down, and i reached up and kissed him!! he smiled, and i smiled back.
    "alright here's the last song of the night. good luck next year guys." the dj said, and the song "my wish." by rascal flatts came on. we still stayed, and danced for this song. when it was just starting, i looked around for chris. i saw him and carly talking, and she threw her hands up in the air, and he rubbed the side of his face. he mouthed something that looked like a no, and she stormed away. he looked after her, pained. i knew what i had to do, but it was going to be awkward.
    "i have to go. something's wrong." i told matt. he looked down at me, confused.
    "please?" i asked. and he nodded. i sprinted through the people, focused on chris. i got to him, and he looked at me, with a sad expression on his face.
    "what happened?" i asked.
    "carly broke up with me." he said, and looked down.
    "now why would she do that?" i asked.
    "she, thought i cared more about you than her." he said.
    "chris, you're my best friend. i care about you." i said.
    "same, mand, you'll always be my best friend." he said. "and i'll always care about you. but just as a friend."
    "well, just as a friend, will you dance with me to this song?" i asked.
    "will matt mind?"
    "it doesn't matter." i said, wrapping my arms around his neck, and he put his hands on my waist.
    "i guess its just you and me against the world." he said. i laughed.
    "i love you, best friend." he said.
    "i love you too, best friend." i smiled, and he laughed, and we swayed together until the song ended.

  20. xohotpinkx6 xohotpinkx6
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2009 1:30am UTC
    down to earth
    part #2
    8th grade
    middle school went by in the blink of an eye. literally. it felt like we were one second tiny 6th graders on the bottom to big eighth graders, on our last day of school. chris and i had still been best friends, and it was our send off dance tonight. the last day of school was on monday. we had a big assembly wishing us luck, but tonight was the talk of the grade. throughout middle school, chris and i had changed, but that was a given. i'd gotten girlier. i'd still played sports, but i just wore a lot more of american eagle, and makeup this year. not a lot, just a little. chris lost some weight, and he became more muscular. he'd had a girlfriend for the past month or so. her name was carly, but i don't think she liked me too much. i think she was just jealous of how close i was to chris. chris had his share of girlfriends, 2 last year, and this was his first. i'd texted and talked to a guy named dan last year, but he just jerked me around. chris was soo mad at him about it, but i insisted he'd better not get involved. i'd had a boyfriend earlier this year, joe. he was just too dramatic for me. one friday, chris and i had hung out, instead of me going to his house for like an hour, because he had a hockey tournament early the next morning, but i went to hang out with chris, and he went bizerk, and broke up with me. but i didn't need anyone like him. i was never overly liked, just enough. i'd gotten close with someone in chris's and my class, her name was ryan. we were pretty much inseperable when chris and i weren't together. she was fine with all 3 of us hanging out, even though she had a huge crush on him. i never told anyone, and she was good with not making it awkward. that would be soo hard for me. a guy in my math class had asked me to send off, and his name was matt. he was super cute, and nice. he was good friends with chris, and he'd been bugging chris about me, so chris told him to ask me. so we were going, and chris was going with carly. i had pictures at my house, so i had to get ready earlier. as soon as i got home, i called ryan, and talked to her for a few minutes. we discussed hair choices, ugh. as girly as i was, it still bored me somewhat. after that, i called chris, and talked to him.
    "heey-yo." he answered.
    "hey-yo." i said. "you ready for tonight?"
    "yes. it's gonna be great. just 8th graders."
    "i know. did you get carly flowers?" i asked. i tried my best to help him with girl ettiquete, but he was a natural.
    "of course. she's wearing a pink dress, so i got her pink carnations."
    "aww. how cute." i approved.
    "you're wearing yellow, right?"
    "yea." i said. "why?"
    "that's what color matt is getting you, but i didn't tell you that."
    "tell me what?"
    "smooth." he said.
    "now are you going all out tonight?"
    "uhm no. just straightening my hair, and adding some curls. not a lot of makeup."
    "you don't need it."
    "aw thanks. but anyways, you and me are gonna be the party tonight." i said.
    "yea, and then katies after. game of biddle."
    "def. you and me, same team."
    "team domination." he agreed.
    "is carly gonna be there?" i asked hesitantly. i tried my best to avoid him when she was there. i didn't need false accusations that i liked him. i will admit he got better looking to me over the years, but he's my best friend. and i love him as much as a friend would.
    "no. cheerleading tomorrow. she's only going to the dance."
    "oh okay." i heard a beep from the other end.
    "shoot. that's carly. i'll see you later mand."
    "okay. see ya." i said, and hung up. i jumped in the shower, and straightened my hair. i added sweeping curls to my hair, and it looked amazing with my hair being angled in the front. my darkbrown hair hung down about 3 inches below my shoulder. i did my makeup next. i was pretty acne free, so i only did some cover up. i did volumizing mascara, with luminescent eyeshadow. just to make them sparkle. i slipped on my yellow dress. it was a strapless, but i had to have straps sewn on, and it was a sweetheart neckline. it had a yellow sash in the middle, and it was a comfortable fit. it wasn't flowy, but it wasn't tight. i slipped on my silver shoes, and i heard a knock on the door, and i ran downstairs to get it. i did it, surprisingly without tripping. it was ryan, of course. she had to get there first. i grabbed my camera, and my mom took a few of us. once the formal ones were out of the way, we did silly ones. ryan was pretty. she had light blond hair, and she was very petite. she liked to do crazy things with her hair, so right now she had chic bangs cut right at her eyes. she blew them out though, so they were sweeping across her forehead, and her hair was big and curly. she had half of it up in a messy-but-still-looks-cute way. she had a bright blue halter dress on, to highlight her eyes. she had silver shoes too. she was my height, just very very petite. not that i was fat, i just had hips and a butt. and bigger boobs. but we joked about that all the time.
    "people should be coming soon. i told them 6. my phone said 5:45. as if on cue, my doorbell rang, and a bunch of people came in. i got pictures with all of them, and we took a big group shot, and people kept coming in. i texted chris asking where he was, and as soon as it sent, he tapped me on the back.
    "hey chris!" i said, and jumped into his arms to give him a hug.
    "you look amazing!" he said.
    "so do you!" i said, commenting on his black shirt with pink tie and khaki pants.
    "pictures!" i said, and my mom was right behind me, and she snapped one of me and him standing next to each other. i then gave him a fake kiss on the cheek, and she laughed, and took one of that. as soon as i turned to look for ryan to get one of the 3 of us, i saw carly glaring.
    "uh oh. lets get one with ryan, and then you can go see carly."
    "okay." he said, and she came up after he called her name. we took that, and then matt tapped me on the back.
    "hey!" i said, and gave him a hug.
    "hey yourself! you look beautiful." he said. i smiled. matt was soo hot. i have no clue how he asked me. he was a good 5 inches taller than me, and very muscular. he was the running back for the football team. he handed me a small bouqet of 3 yellow roses, and baby's breath around them.
    "these are beautiful!"i said, after smelling them.
    "aw picture!" my mom said, and we turned around, and he held his strong arm around my back. after taking many pictures, we all got in our cars, and got ready to go to the dance.


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