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Member Since: 24 Mar 2008 01:28pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 48961

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  about mee <3
my names tess and i absolutely
love my friendsss<3 i play lax
and soccer. i'm 14 years old and
i'm in loveee. michael patrick is
the the best boyfriend in the world.
my parents are wicked annoying,
but i love them..i gueess. i'm the
youngest kid out of 4..my sibs are
rllly old.. :). but i love themmm.
my friends are wicked awesomee<3
my best friend faye is fantastically
christian..haha! i love my school
too..even though my teachers suck.
oh welllll! in the picture i'm the one
in the bluee shirt. the other people
are my best friends cara, katie, allie,
ashwini, brooke and sarahhh<33 love them
yeahh soo mosdt of my quotes are
originall..comment, fave and follow
meee !  xoxo, tess

  1. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    March 30, 2010 3:07pm UTC
    xxx we all have our dreams xxx
    but you actually have to try to get what you want

  2. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2010 5:36pm UTC
    15 things that boys should knoww about girls
    1. If we hang up on you..you're supposed to call us back.
    2. We really don't like when you talk about other girls in front of us.
    3. We all get jealous..really easily.
    4. If we stare into your eyes..kiss us damnit.
    5. We like it when you hold our hands..and hug us frm behind. Mark us as your property.
    6.Don't joke around when we're on our period. Not a good idea.
    7. Text us first! We don't want to do all the work.
    8. Just because your friends are there doesn't mean you can't be romantic. It's hot when you are.
    9. Compliment us..even if we don't look good.
    10. Don't be shy just cuz we might be shy..open up to us. Tell us what you really feel.
    11. If we're hanging out..don't just sit there and be boring. Put your arm around us and kiss us. Its a turn on!
    12. If we're venting to you about some stupid drama, at least pretend like you care.
    13. Don't be afraid to cry!
    14. If you dump us, we will still have feelings for you, so live with it.
    15. If you walk into a room and girls are looking at you or talking especially loud, they want you to notice them. So do it! Notice us.
    comment to add more ideass :)
    credit to mee pleasee<3

  3. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    January 2, 2010 7:00pm UTC
    10 things that boys should knoww about girls
    1. If we hang up on you..you're supposed to call us back.
    2. We really don't like when you talk about other girls in front of us.
    3. We all get jealous..really easily.
    4. If we stare into your eyes..kiss us damnit.
    5. We like it when you hold our hands..and hug us frm behind. Mark us as your property.
    6.Don't joke around when we're on our period. Not a good idea.
    7. Text us first! We don't want to do all the work.
    8. Just because your friends are there doesn't mean you can't be romantic. It's hot when you are.
    9. Compliment us..even if we don't look good.
    10. Don't be shy just cuz we might be shy..open up to us. Tell us what you really feel.
    comment to add more ideass :)
    credit to mee pleasee<3

  4. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    November 28, 2009 8:02pm UTC
    I Believe That
    everyone has a soulmate
    [ the only problem is ]
    x 50% of people are too lazy to look x

  5. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    September 19, 2009 6:11pm UTC
    I believe that;;
    that if you [ want someone ] bad
    enough, you'll eventually get
    them. i believe that when you
    wish on a star, your wish will
    eventually c o m e t r u e
    i believe that when you
    dream about someone, it
    means xthat personx was
    thinking about you before
    they fell asleep. i believe that
    everyone has a soul mate,
    if they just look hard enough. i
    believe in love at first sight.
    i believe in miracles.
    credit to Dreamer_

  6. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2009 5:51pm UTC
    x..the stars in the sky..x
    x...are the ones who died...x
    x......looking down on you......x

  7. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2009 6:14pm UTC
    a hug is worth a thousand words
    a friend is worth ten thousand<3

  8. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2009 3:35pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2009 7:48pm UTC
    the only ones you can enjoy
    spending time with.
    the ones who make you laugh,
    with the fact that they
    have absolutely no idea what we go thru.
    they not only make great partners,
    but also amazing friends,
    best friends,
    and brothers.
    people always say boys are a pain,
    [but step back and realize]
    that they go thru life,
    lovin it way more then girls do.
    you can find boys
    who when you tell them a secret;
    they wont tell a soul.
    boyss =]

  10. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    June 20, 2009 5:24pm UTC
    life is short,
    break rules,
    forgive quickly,
    love truly,
    and never
    forget anything
    that once made
    you smile<3

  11. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2009 6:04pm UTC
    summer ohh nine
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    hanging out
    slepping in
    schools outs
    summers in<3

  12. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2009 5:11pm UTC
    why do you think its ok?
    ok to break every girls heart.
    ok to waste your life away in the basement.
    why do you bring your friends into it?
    why make them into something
    that they aren't .
    who would have thought,
    that the sweet little boy
    you used to be,
    would turn into this
    guy like you?
    remember when we were great friends?
    remember when i had the biggest crush on you?
    all of that was thrown away
    when you started all this craziness.
    maybe you should back up,
    and think about your actions.
    do you realize your not only hurting yourself,
    but also your parents,
    your "friends"
    and everyone else in your life?
    you say you don't care..
    but everyone has to care when people hate them.
    thats just how human beings think.
    stop all this drama
    and slow down.
    we aren't in college.
    so much for friends forever. </3

  13. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    June 15, 2009 4:43pm UTC
    if only we could go back
    to when the "big" drama was
    the new couple
    or someones first kiss.
    to when holding hands
    was like the start of evolution.
    and no one ever thought
    about drugs
    or drinking.
    if only we could go back.
    credit please

  14. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2009 1:03pm UTC
    sometimes goodbye;
    [ is a second chance ]

  15. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    June 6, 2009 3:29pm UTC
    Without you;
    One second feels like a Minute.
    One minute feels like an Hour.
    One hour feels like a Day.
    One day feels like a Week.
    One week feels like a Month.
    One month feels like a Year.
    One year feels like Forever.
    credit to iCakeBatter

  16. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    May 10, 2009 8:48pm UTC
    lets rewind time<3

  17. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2009 10:44pm UTC
    life isn't about finding yourself
    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
    life is about creating yourself

  18. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    May 9, 2009 1:57pm UTC
    theres no such thing as a

  19. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2009 4:49pm UTC
    peace love happniess<3

  20. xoxo_paps_babe xoxo_paps_babe
    posted a quote
    May 5, 2009 4:48pm UTC
    Sometimes dont you wish you could be the one
    the one he laughs with; holds hands with.
    the one who hugs him; holds him like
    no one else in the world matters.
    the one who never fails to make him smile;
    or the one who knows his favorite song.
    the one you can see him thinking about;
    and the one he texts non-stop
    don't you wish you could be the only one
    credit for fades to FabulousFades
    rest of it is mine. credit please


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