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Quotes added on Tuesday, October 5 2004

  1. BarBieDoLl16 BarBieDoLl16
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 1:38pm UTC
    What's with the sky its makin me want you more and more everyday
    but the lovely girl thats in your arms is always in the way

  2. xBabyChickx2010x xBabyChickx2010x
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 1:46pm UTC
    i dOnT wAnT tO cRii nO mOrE
    i wAnT eVeRyThiNg LiKe bEfOrE
    iN Mii LiFe iVe ReLiZeD
    nOt eVeRyThiNg tHaTs a MiStAkE
    iS sOmEtHiNg yOu rEgReT
    yEa sOmE tHiNgZ aRe wOrTh CrYiNg oVeR
    bUt iT dOeSnT mEaN aNyThiNg
    i sTiLL wAnNa LoVe HiM
    bUt hUrT wHeN i tHiNk oF HiM
    hE dOeSnT LoVe Me
    aNd i cAn LiVe WiTh tHaT
    hE nEvEr DiD LoVe mE
    aNd tHaTs jUsT a fAcT
    aLwAyS tRiEd tO tHiNk hE DiD
    bUt i gUeSs i kNeW hE DiDnT
    fOr oNcE iN Mii LiFe
    i wAnT sOmEoNe tO LoVe mE
    aNd nOt jUsT bReAk Mii hEaRt
    i gUeSs aLL iM aSkiNg fOr
    iS sOmEoNe wHo WiLL cArE
    i MiSs HiM.. bUt i jUsT gOtTa LiVe WiTh tHe fAcT tHaT hE DiDnT aNd nEvEr WiLL..

  3. BarBieDoLl16 BarBieDoLl16
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 1:48pm UTC

  4. xdancinxobabii xdancinxobabii
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 1:53pm UTC
    *FrIeNdS nO HoW u R FeEliNg *
    *BeSt FrIeNdS nO eVeRyThInG uR ThInKiNg*

  5. xdancinxobabii xdancinxobabii
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:03pm UTC
    I nO uR A*l*W*a*Y*s* their 4 Me...*
    I nO tHaT u [[CaRe BoUt Me]]
    U NeVeR wIlL S.C.A.R.E.Me
    U'Ll nEvEr T^a^r^E mUh <33
    B/c uR mY BeSt FrIenD
    nD wE cAn NeVeR Be ApArT

  6. xdancinxobabii xdancinxobabii
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:09pm UTC
    I SeE yA StAnDinG tHeIr <33
    nD mUh HeArt MeLaTs<33

  7. xdancinxobabii xdancinxobabii
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:12pm UTC
    ii W.a.N.N.n.A b
    ThE oNlY ((HaNd)) yA
    NeEd 2 HoLd oN 2<33

  8. UnshAterdDreAms UnshAterdDreAms
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:12pm UTC
    I dont mind people imen me ..
    thats y i guv yu all my sns
    but when yu im me and dont tell me yur name
    or act stupid i get annoyed
    i dont wanna be mean
    i just would like you all to be
    kind about im en me..
    sorry if its mean.. i didnt wnat that

  9. xdancinxobabii xdancinxobabii
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:19pm UTC
    PlZ bOi!!
    DoN'T tElL mE yA LuV Me
    i MiiGhT dO SoMeThInG CRAZII
    nD wElL NeVeR rEgEt

  10. xdancinxobabii xdancinxobabii
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:20pm UTC
    wHo SaiD u OnlY fAlL in LoVe OnCe<33
    BaBy wHeN i SeE HiM i FaLl In LoVe aLl OvA AgInA<33

  11. iLuVmAtT10 iLuVmAtT10
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:36pm UTC
    there something about you thant makes me smile
    therse somethign about you that makes me want to go WiLd!

  12. iLuVmAtT10 iLuVmAtT10
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:38pm UTC
    WhY wAs ThE bLoNdEs BoObS [square] ?
    BeCaUsE sHe FoRgOt To TaKe ThE tIsSuE oUt
    Of ThE bOx!!!
    hahaha thats a knee slapper....

  13. XxSwEeTStUfF5 XxSwEeTStUfF5
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:39pm UTC
    "people should take a look at their own lives
    and realize they don't have it so bad"

  14. iLuVmAtT10 iLuVmAtT10
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:39pm UTC
    There was a blonde adn bernette and they were seperated by a huge river. The burnette shouted across the river how do i get to the other side adn the blonde replied..YOU ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE!
    hey im blonde too! lol

  15. iLuVmAtT10 iLuVmAtT10
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:42pm UTC
    This is a very dramatic (true)story...and blonde was in the locker room changing for volleyball and she cracked her head open! IT was 2 inches long and she had 8 stables and 5 shots! How did this dramatic thing happen ...well it happened all because she MISSED the bench!
    yea thast me ^ i did that abotu 2 -3 weeks ago and it is all healed.! : )

  16. UnshAterdDreAms UnshAterdDreAms
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:51pm UTC
    I just want to talk to you
    but my broken heart just has no use
    I, I guess promises are better left unsaid
    Every time you try to tell me
    you say the words that im the only
    but im the one whos crawling on the ground
    when you say love makes the world go round

  17. UnshAterdDreAms UnshAterdDreAms
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:52pm UTC
    You stick with me like
    glue sticks to paper
    haha sami<X3 heart protected
    im me a||.. luv yu all to0o

  18. UnshAterdDreAms UnshAterdDreAms
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 2:53pm UTC
    Kiss me ...Quick
    b4 yur girl gets back
    and we get caught ....
    sami<X3 Protected.

  19. x0x0BEACHbebex0x0 x0x0BEACHbebex0x0
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 3:04pm UTC
    breaking someone's heart is hard to break
    especially when their loves at stake..*
    <3.. im sorry...

  20. BaByDoLL143 BaByDoLL143
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2004 3:09pm UTC
    »BrEaTh||StReCh//sHaKe>LeT iT ` *qO*«
    10O% myne bytches haha XoOOxxxOOO000
    Luv yAlL


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