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Quotes added on Friday, December 16 2005

  1. x3_Ashlea x3_Ashlea
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 4:57am UTC
    There's this a.m.a.z.i.n.g guy
    He's crazy cool
    Incredibly sexy and hott too
    But he is so out of reach,
    So [u][n][a][t][a][i][n][a][b][l][e]
    That it kills me to even look at him
    Because I know no matter how hard I try
    I could never be as good as her..</3

  2. x3_brokk3nh3rt_x3 x3_brokk3nh3rt_x3
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 5:25am UTC
    Is - »a.n.y.b.o.d.y.« - listenin`?
    Can they . h e a r . me when I call?
    I`m shooting *signals* in the air. . .
    `Cause I NEED s.o.m.e.b.o.d.y.`s. help
    I can`t make it on my »own«
    So I`m . GIVINUP . myself. . .
    Is ANYBODY *listenin`*?
    Listenin`. . .‹‹
    - » Good Charlotte<333x3

  3. x3_brokk3nh3rt_x3 x3_brokk3nh3rt_x3
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 5:29am UTC
    *Starlit* night
    The m.o.o.n. is shininq briqht
    YOU are the »one« that I need
    Up at . y o u r . window
    I see a - »s.h.a.d.o.w.« -
    Silloutte your [qrace]
    Here`s this *flower*«`--
    I picked for ALL the h.o.u.r.s.
    That [you] spent with [me]
    The one I L.O.V.E.
    That I`ve been . dreaminq . of
    Sailinq *across*« the sea. . .
    - » Green Day<333x3
    *1,039 Smoothed Out Slappy Hours [their first record]

  4. xjEsSiLoGaN xjEsSiLoGaN
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 6:26am UTC
    you know what? i love you, but you lost your chance at the best you'll ever have.

  5. xjEsSiLoGaN xjEsSiLoGaN
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 6:27am UTC
    unlike barbies--me and my girls aren't sold seperatly. =)

  6. xjEsSiLoGaN xjEsSiLoGaN
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 6:28am UTC
    Did i ever tell you you're my HERO?
    lol alicia and kelsey. =)

  7. xjEsSiLoGaN xjEsSiLoGaN
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 6:30am UTC
    be yourself, not what everyone else wants you to be.

  8. xjEsSiLoGaN xjEsSiLoGaN
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 6:35am UTC
    "i'll keep you, my dirty little secret"
    -Dirty Little Secret-All American Rejects

  9. xoxoBaByGuRLoxox xoxoBaByGuRLoxox
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 6:36am UTC
    ii wanna be the g.i.r.l you look at and say..."yEaH guys thats h.e.r" <)3

  10. daniella daniella
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:19am UTC
    Boys come and go so don't cry and
    waist your time on 1 boy that doesn't appreciate
    Your love for him just remember that boys come and go

  11. daniella daniella
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:19am UTC
    Someone should sue Disney for planting the ideas
    in little Kids heads that every girl has a prince
    & everything ends up happily ever after...

  12. daniella daniella
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:20am UTC
    Take a -bow- do you hear the applause??
    My hearts been *broken* and you're the cause
    i played your::game: and now you've [won]
    </3 Congratulations, hope you had fun </3

  13. daniella daniella
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:20am UTC
    I'd rather have b.a.d times with you
    Than g.o.o.d times with some one else
    I'd rather be b.e.s.i.d.e you in a storm
    Than safe and warm by m.y.s.e.l.f
    I'd rather have h.a.r.d times with you
    Than e.a.s.y times apart
    I'd RaThEr JuSt Have YoU

  14. daniella daniella
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:21am UTC
    at the moment our eyes meet
    i fall in love all over again
    && the rest of the world just
    seems to disappear...

  15. hbaby54 hbaby54
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:32am UTC
    To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved.

  16. hbaby54 hbaby54
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:35am UTC
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade in what the want most for what the want at the moment

  17. hbaby54 hbaby54
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:37am UTC
    "Knowledge speaks, yet wisdom listens." -Jimi Hendrix

  18. BrownEydx3Beauty BrownEydx3Beauty
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:43am UTC
    .·* ÂÂ
     *«Snow Fights,Cold Nights,Cute Boots,Snow Days ,Ice Skating, Snow Sleding, Santa's Here, lu lu pullin me to school in my plastic pink sled,kayla nd her sno suit, Warm Coats, Tons of Parties, Cutee Boys, nd kissing under the mistle toe, that's what winters all about and it's here! xO'

  19. BrownEydx3Beauty BrownEydx3Beauty
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:44am UTC
    Laughter is timeless.. imagination has no age.. dreams are forever

  20. BrownEydx3Beauty BrownEydx3Beauty
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2005 7:44am UTC
    ©©©he's everything i've always wanted©©©


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