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Quotes added on Thursday, October 19 2006

  1. i_still_miss_him_ i_still_miss_him_
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:45pm UTC
    he finally said he was sorry....apoligized for what he did....and asked if things could be back to the way they were before
    of course she said yes because her heart was jumping for joy...but thinking now...yess she wants things to be back to the way there were before.....but what was that???

  2. lovebunnie29 lovebunnie29
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:48pm UTC
    its those cute little things u say to me that keeps me smiling the whole day

  3. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:53pm UTC
    She's determined not to look at him, talk to him, smile at him, or laugh at his jokes.
    She won't give him the satisfaction of knowing he has her attention.
    So, even though she's watching out of the corner of her eye, she'll pretend she doesn't see him flirting with HER as they walk down the hall together.
    && when threatening tears glisten in her sorrowful eyes, she prays they won't fall.
    She's too stubborn to have him see her hurt.
    He used to love her too.
    yea;; i made it =]

  4. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:54pm UTC
    She knows she's not beautiful,
    but that doesn't give you any reason to make her feel worse about herself.
    mine. =]

  5. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:54pm UTC
    I'm sorry that "I love you" was the last thing I said
    mine. =]

  6. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:56pm UTC
    She's not ugly really... but not beautiful
    She's somewhere in the middle; sort of plain.
    No one ever bothered to give her a second glance
    So she just past through life unnoticed.
    && when her wrists started pouring out bloody apologies set free by the razorblade...
    Nobody cared.
    mine. =]

  7. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:57pm UTC
    Just when you think he loves you,
    Another girl comes into the picture.
    She's prettier, smarter, funnier, nicer.
    She's everything you're not.
    And she ends up winning his heart.
    Funny how we always seem to lose.
    ... Not really.
    mine. =]

  8. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:58pm UTC
    So... here I am.
    Telling you the deepest secrets of my soul.
    && I'm petrified about what you're going to say.
    If you even say anything at all.
    mine. =]

  9. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:59pm UTC
    She's got that look in her eyes again
    That painful, I want to kill myself look.
    mine. =]

  10. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 2:59pm UTC
    He has one thousand lies
    that sweep you off your feet.
    mine. =]

  11. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:00pm UTC
    Her skin is oh-so-sensitive
    And your words slash at her wrists.
    mine. =]

  12. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:00pm UTC
    That walk with him in that one short hallway
    Is the only reason she came to school today.
    mine. =]

  13. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:01pm UTC
    She has a deadened look in her eyes now
    && she's... crumpled... like that paper you threw away for english.
    A worthless piece of paper.
    That's how she feels.
    mine. =]

  14. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:02pm UTC
    She lives off your lies
    and every horrible surprise.
    Nothing else is left in her now
    She has no heart;; you shattered it.
    mine. =]

  15. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:03pm UTC
    I hate your smile with a passion. Your smile makes her smile. It puts her in a good mood. I hate anything that makes her happy. And I hate your smile because it's not for me.
    mine. =]

  16. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:05pm UTC
    I hope she bites his tongue off and chokes to death when he's shoving it down her throat.
    I hope he bleeds till he's nothing but a chalk outline on the floor.
    yea.. i made this. =]

  17. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:06pm UTC
    When I go out, I'll go out with a BANG
    More specifically, with a gun to my head
    Screaming your name.
    yea.. i made this =]

  18. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:07pm UTC
    So what's it feel like?
    Being with the one I love?
    Cuz it's definately breaking my heart.
    mine. =]

  19. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:07pm UTC
    She was found dangling from a ceiling fan,
    A rope around her neck.
    mine. =]

  20. always_x_and_x_4ever always_x_and_x_4ever
    posted a quote
    October 19, 2006 3:08pm UTC
    Oh;; she'll be fine. She just needs some time to get over the fact that he has a girlfriend now.
    mine. =]


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