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Quotes added on Sunday, November 4 2007

  1. Soccergirllyx6 Soccergirllyx6
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 2:43pm UTC
    So.. what happens when your friend gets mad at you because your going out with her x? &&.. she wont talk to you? Do you break up? But you really like this guy. And she dosnt know what she wants you to do. Well.... lets just say theres no telling.

  2. XOtiNAXO16 XOtiNAXO16
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 2:44pm UTC
    AM i DREAMiNG...
    AM i DREAMiNG...
    i [ L . O . V . E ] tHiS SONG<3

  3. Soccergirllyx6 Soccergirllyx6
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 2:46pm UTC
    When the best of freinds get in a fight! && the best friend finds a new best friend. What do you do? Find a way t get over it. because ovisley Peole who can't stay in your past aren't even worth the future.

  4. Soccergirllyx6 Soccergirllyx6
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 2:48pm UTC
    Don't fret about the friends or lovers from your past. Because ovisley they weren't imporent enough for the future!

  5. Soccergirllyx6 Soccergirllyx6
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 2:55pm UTC
    He kissed me!
    I told you!
    You broke up with me!
    I found out she kissed you!
    && know itss all a big lie!

  6. RoyalFreshness RoyalFreshness
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 4:52pm UTC
    You get men here and there
    but the ones that really care
    stick around and show you they are there and they care but the ones that just say they care but don't show it are the cowards in this world.

  7. RoyalFreshness RoyalFreshness
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 4:56pm UTC
    One day you wake up feeling all lonley and sad
    but you know you have been really bad
    so you go and make your self some breakfast
    and cause a fire apon all of the problems in life
    you call the firemen and they say they'll be right there mean while you blow the fire out. They come in and they say wheres the fire and you comment I blew it out....

  8. RoyalFreshness RoyalFreshness
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 5:10pm UTC
    If you only knew
    I try so hard to make you proud
    I try so hard to make you notice
    I only wish you knew that I prey every night for you and to let god tell you how much I love you
    Even when I yell and scream at you I still love you... why don't you understand when im sad why do you think you know me when you don't?
    im sure its one of the worlds greatest mysteries

  9. crazy4choco47 crazy4choco47
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:15pm UTC
    We'll scream at the top
    of our lungs, they'll think
    its just because we're young

  10. LaurenAshleyx7 LaurenAshleyx7
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:18pm UTC
    RIP* me and you </3
    i miss you so much.

  11. crazy4choco47 crazy4choco47
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:19pm UTC
    So hear this please
    And watch as your heart speeds up endlessly
    And look for the stars as the sun goes down
    Each breath that you take has a thunderous sound
    Everything's magic
    Just sit back and hold on, but hold on tight
    Prepare for the best and the fastest ride
    And reach out your hand, and I'll make you mine
    Everything's magic

  12. crazy4choco47 crazy4choco47
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:20pm UTC
    when i get outside see yasmine and shes as high everyones all smiles daylight just comes once in a while walking down my street fasking in the summer heat and feeling so good inside

  13. crazy4choco47 crazy4choco47
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:21pm UTC
    Where did I go wrong, I lost a friend
    Somewhere along in the bitterness
    And I would have stayed up with you all night
    Had I known how to save a life

  14. LaurenAshleyx7 LaurenAshleyx7
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:22pm UTC
    year after my boyfriend dumped me...
    girl: remember when i told you i'd love you forever?
    boy: ...yea?
    girl:I kept my word.

  15. LaurenAshleyx7 LaurenAshleyx7
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:24pm UTC
    Its been months and I
    still can't get over us.
    no edits; do whatever.

  16. LaurenAshleyx7 LaurenAshleyx7
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:26pm UTC
    I try so hard for you to like me,
    and I think for hours on what im
    going to say, but when I see your
    face everything comes out the wrong
    made by me.
    no edits.

  17. crazy4choco47 crazy4choco47
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:27pm UTC
    wherever you go in this life of your own,
    i'll always be here for you, no matter what.
    whatever it is, just come to me
    i'll always be here to set you free.
    if there is a problem, or a fork
    in the road just call me up and
    there i'll be, through thick and
    through thin through hot or through cold,
    i'll always be here and your hand i will hold
    (haha this is so cheesy but i like it,
    i made it up all on my own)

  18. LaurenAshleyx7 LaurenAshleyx7
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:28pm UTC
    Is this chicken or fish?
    -jessica simpon.

  19. LoveRgirlybabe LoveRgirlybabe
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:36pm UTC
    letting go isnt easy when all you can do is remember

  20. LoveRgirlybabe LoveRgirlybabe
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2007 6:38pm UTC
    here i am once again torn to pieces, and i miss him so much...but the tears just arent workin anymore


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