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Quotes added on Tuesday, January 27 2009

  1. thegirl1993 thegirl1993
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 5:59am UTC
    Ryan Sheckler
    Joe Jonas
    i LIVE for these three boy's!

  2. toucansam toucansam
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 6:00am UTC
    Oh, dream maker, you heartbreaker
    Wherever youre going, Im going your way
    Two drifters off to see the world ♥♥♥
    me and you*
    ++if you agree

  3. icheer526 icheer526
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 6:30am UTC
    No, you can't always get what you want
    Wait no, I lied; Some people can and will
    They always will but others....
    They have to work... work hard
    Harder then you've worked for anything
    And you'll lose a lot along the way maybe even yourself...
    You lose all hope in everything and everyone around you
    But you have to keep going
    You gotta push past your fears
    And stop and nothing
    You have to learn just because
    Someone says "I love you"
    Doesn’t mean they won’t tear your heart apart
    You are who you are and don't let anyone take that away from you
    Even if you thought you loved them
    You can't worry about a reputation
    A reputation is what people think about you
    But what’s important is what you think about yourself
    Be who you are and be proud...
    Things change, people change
    And some things you never get back
    You have to hold on and try to be strong
    Even if you’re far from it... you gotta believe
    Have faith in yourself. If not who else will?
    Have hope and believe in miracles
    These are the days we’re making who we are
    And I just wanna stand for something...
    I just gotta figure out what it is ...<3
    my friend wrote this, so not my credit
    i was like crying when i read this, so i
    was all "heey, i'll put it in a quote..."
    so yeeah...that's how it got here =]

  4. iloveyou07 iloveyou07
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 6:50am UTC
    don't you hate it when kids from the
    grade above
    you come into your classroom to visit
    your teacher and they talk all loud and
    look at us like we're loser, because
    around the kids a grade younger than
    them they think they're so

  5. musicgirl917 musicgirl917
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 6:50am UTC
    i love you ♥

  6. ambertm95 ambertm95
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 6:54am UTC
    the girl who is so afraid of love, she barely loves herself </3

  7. iloveyou07 iloveyou07
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 6:59am UTC
    - - - LOL - - -
    [ b i g g e s t ] lie on the internet...
    i mean when you say lol do you rly
    laugh out loud? I DON'T (: !!

  8. CheDdarCheEse111 CheDdarCheEse111
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:06am UTC
    And I just like him so much
    that when he said he likes my bestfriend
    I was trying to convince him
    to ask her out cause all I want is
    for him to be happy
    Seriously happened to me, but he still hasn't asked her out =)

  9. karbear202 karbear202
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:10am UTC
    im not in this scene.
    i think im falling asleep. but all that it means is i'll always be dreaming of you <3
    blink 182, feeling this. awesome song!<3

  10. lovebuggg321 lovebuggg321
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:16am UTC
    In My Imaginary-World--
    All girls treat eachother as best friends.
    Guys are a whole lot nicer to girls than they are now.
    My favorite TEEVEE shows are on all the time.
    My cabnets are fully stocked with cereal and milk.
    I have everysong ever written.
    i have everymovie that i want.
    I'm amazing at all sports i do.
    My boyfriend will kiss me and tell me that he loves me.
    Your not a loser if you love to read or write.
    Your not a loser is you love school.
    Your not labled. period.
    i love my imaginary world

  11. lovebuggg321 lovebuggg321
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:17am UTC
    If boys
    had their
    They's brag about how big their tampons were.

  12. lovebuggg321 lovebuggg321
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:20am UTC
    once upon a time...
    Me: "ooww! You cut my finger!"
    Boy :"SUCK IT!!!"
    Me: "Sorry, i can't! my mom told me not to put small things in my mouth."

  13. mrsjeter2love mrsjeter2love
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:25am UTC
    like noone is .w.a.t.c.h.i.n.g.
    like noone can |hear you|
    like it's the funniest thing in the world
    like there's no YtomorrowY
    not mind redone. like it or leave it !!!!!

  14. mrsjeter2love mrsjeter2love
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:27am UTC

  15. babygurl_brc babygurl_brc
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:35am UTC
    +& I have to keep telling myself...It's just a c r u s h.
    But in reality, I want it to be so much more.

  16. emmyxox295 emmyxox295
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:42am UTC
    My Daddy always said
    if you don't have
    anything nice to say
    then don't say anything at all.
    well... my daddy isn't here
    && you're a weenie.
    -full house.
    took me a while.
    rate or hate it guys

  17. aapny916 aapny916
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:46am UTC
    last night we talked.
    we talked about everything.
    because i care about you so much...
    because you're my bestfriend & i'd never want to hurt you
    i asked you what you would ever do if i got a boyfriend.
    you said sweet, yeah cool. but i could tell something was up.
    i asked you what was wrong. you told me you were afraid we wouldn't stay close.
    but that you were happy that i came to talk to you about it. you said it really showed how much i cared.
    last night i made a promise to you that i will keep for the rest of my life...
    i told you that no matter what, or who i date. that you will always be the number one man in my life.
    i told you that you'd been there for me through so much i just couldn't stand the thought of me leaving you.
    & at that moment you knew i was telling you the truth.
    at that moment i knew that we were meant to be bestfriends forever ♥
    & that it wasn't just some lie i was telling everyone... it was the truth.
    i love you bestfriend forever & always.

  18. karbear202 karbear202
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:49am UTC
    if love isnt a game, why are there so many players ?

  19. lil_crazy_tumbler_ox lil_crazy_tumbler_ox
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:51am UTC
    when i die. . . .
    i want to be burried face down
    so the people that hated me...
    can kiss my
    a s s. =]

  20. Jessica_x3 Jessica_x3
    posted a quote
    January 27, 2009 7:53am UTC
    [[&+]] how many people actually got up this morning got dressed than ten minutes later you figure out theres no school??
    rate highh if youhh did.


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