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Quotes added on Wednesday, August 26 2009

  1. fashionicon96 fashionicon96
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:20am UTC
    Its when i see him i feel like my heart skipped a beat and i took my last breath....
    But when he is gone
    i feel like i have a million breaths to take before i see him again
    and a million beats to live through <3

  2. KElllSSseyX3 KElllSSseyX3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:21am UTC
    Teacher: you 6 DETENTION!!!
    If our school was on fire
    Me: I want marshmellows
    Mackenzie and Cecelia: dancing around singing fire burnin on the dance floor.
    Roxie:can I ride the fire truck??
    Ethan:woow its kinda hot over there
    Melissa: can we have a goodbye party?
    Teacher: you 6 DETENTION!!
    The other 1110: does this mean we dont have school today???

  3. _Beautiful_Disaster_ _Beautiful_Disaster_
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:26am UTC
    And From This Point On;
    I can honestly say; i'm forgetting about you and moving on with my
    life, there's only a few days left of summer, and i'm not going to be bummed
    just because i can't have you. You had your chance you blew it, Big Time Boy.
    I'm fed up with drama that all these girls bring just because they are jealous and
    don't even compare to us "unpopular" girls, cause we are so much better. We may
    not have the latest styles, and wear tons of make-up; cause we don't want to fit in,
    we are born to stand out. From this point on, i'm done with drama, lies, and him.
    I'm going to enjoy the rest of my summer without a care in the world, how you ask?
    cause i can and no one
    can stop me

  4. xonbvballstarxo xonbvballstarxo
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:29am UTC
    Someday someone will,
    walk into your life
    and make you realize
    ♥ why it never worked out with anyone else. ♥
    complete credit to ALouiseexo
    i edited becuase i loved the quote :D

  5. soccerbabbyx0x soccerbabbyx0x
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:30am UTC
    Cause when hes mine in this [[world]] _ theres gonna be
    one less lonely girl.

  6. dancefor3vrxox dancefor3vrxox
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:32am UTC
    =)=0=)=)=)=) MINE I HADE NO HELP!!^^^^^^^<3<3

  7. XStEpHaNiExBaBeX XStEpHaNiExBaBeX
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:39am UTC
    If my name was Kelsey...
    Would you swim the ocean for me?
    If you've never heard the song Kelsey...
    you wouldn't get it

  8. frootloop123 frootloop123
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:41am UTC
    life is funny sometimes, but if you look close enough you'll find hope;
    in the words of children, in the bars in a song, and in the eyes of someone you love...
    And if your lucky enough,
    that person decides to love you back!<3
    all by mee!
    i take request

  9. rocktheshock rocktheshock
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:50am UTC
    You got it, You got it
    Some kind of magic
    Hypnotic, Hypnotic
    You're leaving me breathless
    I hate this, I hate this .
    Paramore - i caught myself
    credit for edit is to me .

  10. fashionicon96 fashionicon96
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:52am UTC
    A word is just a word till you mean what you say....
    So when you say you love me is that just word that come out of your mouth or do you really mean it?
    When you say goodnight sleep well do you really mean for me to sleep well and wake up healthy and beautiful or is that just something you say cause you want to act like i don't know anything is up?
    When you tell me that I'm the only girl for you and that you could never lose me what the hell is that? is it a joke? or are you serious?
    When you tell me that there is nothing up I'm being paranoid about you cheating on me with other girls are you serious or are you lying?
    Don't even answer that because you are lying because my name isn't Taylor

  11. LiveLaughLovee LiveLaughLovee
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:54am UTC
    i text you
    because i miss you
    +&& those rare days when i don't
    is when i'm waiting for you
    to start missing me ♥

  12. frootloop123 frootloop123
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 12:55am UTC
    dont ever give up...
    its never time to quit..
    practice makes you perfecctt!!!!!!
    listteen too itt^^^

  13. fashionicon96 fashionicon96
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:00am UTC
    I sit here waiting for you...
    To Call me
    For you to I.M me
    For you to Text me
    For you to Email me
    For you to Face-book me
    For you to Myspace me
    For you to Ask to hang out
    Am i the only one who sits on the floor waiting for my phone or Laptop to go off with your NAME? <3
    Mine dont take
    Nicki :]*&!!!

  14. evalynxxlove evalynxxlove
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:04am UTC
    I clutch my chest because I can’t breathe,
    I don’t want you to move on without me.
    very simple; i know.
    but this quote means a lot....
    it explains how i feel right about....

  15. CVBABii92 CVBABii92
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:05am UTC
    && if i say with you...
    i may loose myself

  16. nelle09er nelle09er
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:07am UTC
    ill let all your fantasy come true;; ill reach for the stars and bring one back for you;; ill be your knight and fight for your honor;; you'll never be cold because im your blanket;; we can make sweet music together always and forever
    not done yet stilll needa add color and stuff

  17. CVBABii92 CVBABii92
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:08am UTC
    if you wanna ignore me ; go right ahead
    but dont except me to answer when you wanna talk
    cuss i dont run on your time and without you ill do just fine ! : )

  18. alliexxmariexo3 alliexxmariexo3
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:09am UTC
    Never dull your shine for someone else

  19. CVBABii92 CVBABii92
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:11am UTC
    baby boyy ignoring me would be a mistake ....
    i could have you dreaming when you aint even sleeping
    && i could be the best you ever had ;)

  20. Revenge_is_Sweet_Love_xo Revenge_is_Sweet_Love_xo
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2009 1:11am UTC
    Hiii Everyone!! :D
    Need a layout? Well you've come to the right place because i make them!! :D
    Just go to this website thats where they all are^
    Request//Fades// Fan art // & layouts!


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