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Quotes added on Monday, November 30 2009

  1. woaahhalyssaa woaahhalyssaa
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 1:59am UTC
    My heart cant possibly break
    when it wasn't even whole to start with.
    -Because of You

  2. woaahhalyssaa woaahhalyssaa
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 2:03am UTC
    Was That An Earthquake ?

  3. justbreath justbreath
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 2:04am UTC
    && do yo
    remember when;
    we used to talk for hours on end? now it's like we never even knew eachother.

  4. dancergrl9467 dancergrl9467
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 2:18am UTC
    &+ When I'm in that upset mood,
    You always seem to be the [one]
    To brighten up my day,
    Just by .:texting:. me,

  5. addicted_to_you1014 addicted_to_you1014
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 2:35am UTC
    Once I desire something...
    I cannot undesire it.
    I cannot even try to resist.
    I will desire it until I have it.
    But there is no end.
    No matter how much I have, I still want.
    ~Loveless vol.2
    My Edit
    (ps. i had no clue what catagory this should be under)

  6. addicted_to_you1014 addicted_to_you1014
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 2:52am UTC
    I've stood on the edge of this cliff a countless number of times, just deliberating.
    Jumping seems like so much fun. I want to so badly.
    But I'm scared.
    What if I get hurt on the way down?
    Is the risk really worth the thrill?
    If i don't try, I will never know, but still...
    So I take a deep, deep breath, and, lookind down, I begin to let myself fall.
    But I stop.
    I close my eyes.
    Feeling somethimg warm wrap around my waist, I open them again.
    And there you are.
    Your warm, welcoming smile. I want you.
    You look over the cliff, to the ocean below.
    -Beautifully frightning, dangerously calm-
    You can see the desire in my eyes.
    So you take my hand and lead me closer to the edge.
    You lean in and whisper to me.
    "Trust me" ~and I do.
    "Close your eyes, hold me tight" ~and I do.
    And together, we jump.
    Don't make me regret it.
    Don't let me go. ever.
    Please, whatever you do...
    Don't let me drown.
    All MINE!! Please don't steal..
    Kennedy ^..^

  7. addicted_to_you1014 addicted_to_you1014
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 2:52am UTC
    Once I desire something...
    I cannot undesire it.
    I cannot even try to resist.
    I will desire it until I have it.
    But there is no end.
    No matter how much I have, I still want.
    ~Loveless vol.2
    My Edit
    (ps. i had no clue what catagory this should be under)

  8. addicted_to_you1014 addicted_to_you1014
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 2:53am UTC
    I've stood on the edge of this cliff a countless number of times, just deliberating.
    Jumping seems like so much fun. I want to so badly.
    But I'm scared.
    What if I get hurt on the way down?
    Is the risk really worth the thrill?
    If i don't try, I will never know, but still...
    So I take a deep, deep breath, and, lookind down, I begin to let myself fall.
    But I stop.
    I close my eyes.
    Feeling somethimg warm wrap around my waist, I open them again.
    And there you are.
    Your warm, welcoming smile. I want you.
    You look over the cliff, to the ocean below.
    -Beautifully frightning, dangerously calm-
    You can see the desire in my eyes.
    So you take my hand and lead me closer to the edge.
    You lean in and whisper to me.
    "Trust me" ~and I do.
    "Close your eyes, hold me tight" ~and I do.
    And together, we jump.
    Don't make me regret it.
    Don't let me go. ever.
    Please, whatever you do...
    Don't let me drown.
    All MINE!! Please don't steal.. Kennedy ^..^

  9. holyblondemoment holyblondemoment
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 3:17am UTC
    One of my friends was having a random sleepover party .
    && everyone fell asleep except for me && my besttfrieendd.
    We pulled this awesome prankk.
    & my friend said " how the hell did you think of that?!"
    &&&& I say " I watch to much jackass."

  10. holyblondemoment holyblondemoment
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 3:37am UTC
    Random Survey Time! ;D
    Day or Night?
    Nigggght. (:
    Orange or Apple?
    Tropical or Artic?
    Favorite food (cant be a candy)?
    Hottt winngggss.
    Fav candy?
    (not what you think.)
    Personality (according to others)
    Personality (according to you)?
    Random thing about urself:
    I have a mom.
    How many crushes have you had?
    Let's seeeeeeeeee. Aloot.
    Team Jacob or Team Edward?!
    ughh! none.
    Hot or cold?
    What grade are you in?
    7th grade... sucks.
    What are your fave song(s)?
    Unholy Confessions, Sulfur, Replay, Bad Romance.
    Who is your idle?

  11. Wonderland Wonderland
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 3:38am UTC
    Every "hello",
    e n d s w i t h a "goodbye"///♥

  12. Blackm00n5 Blackm00n5
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 3:42am UTC
    Lay me down in my pain,
    Let the blood pool around me.
    Give in to my desire,
    coil the hate around my soul.

  13. FallenLoveAngel FallenLoveAngel
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 3:52am UTC
    Be Optimistic
    it will kill your enemies ;)

  14. FallenLoveAngel FallenLoveAngel
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 3:54am UTC
    Don't Hit Kids
    seriously they have guns now !

  15. Sing_Dance_Laugh_Love_Live Sing_Dance_Laugh_Love_Live
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 3:59am UTC
    I love every second I'm with you
    I miss you the moment you leave
    rand0m xoxo

  16. Kayland Kayland
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 4:01am UTC
    sometimes you have to
    GET § HURT
    to realize
    who you || love enough || to let your
    knowing its [(gonna hurt)] in the end anyway..

  17. TickyTock TickyTock
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 4:09am UTC
    All I Want To Do Is Tell You I ♥ You

  18. tooshielovesyou tooshielovesyou
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 4:34am UTC
    to you
    im invisable
    probably already on here,
    fave? comment?

  19. gee0316 gee0316
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 4:49am UTC
    and my life has been as colorful as a
    since you came.

  20. gee0316 gee0316
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2009 5:09am UTC
    if we could just be
    for sometime,
    and finally figure out the way we feel,
    about the missing
    puzzle pieces
    cloudy question marks...
    -I'll Meet You There
    [Owl City]♥♥♥


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