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Quotes added on Sunday, March 21 2010

  1. k6h8r10 k6h8r10
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:31am UTC
    Im a little obbssed with Justin Bieber..
    Poosible contest? I think so..
    Comment on this and leave a link.
    I'll find you myslef.. Good luck....

  2. qquuootteessbbyymmee qquuootteessbbyymmee
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:33am UTC
    "it ain't what they call you,
    it's what you answer to."

    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:33am UTC
    When life throws you lemons, throw them right back and demand a refund. ASAP :D

  4. hcoCutiex3 hcoCutiex3
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:34am UTC
    & in that instant;
    it felt almost as if
    we were together
    -Dear John; Nicholas Sparks

  5. SourGummyWorm SourGummyWorm
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:41am UTC
    As I wander alone through the dark and coldness set upon me by you,
    I simply can't help think of the bright warmth they gave me.
    They where my light at the end of the tunnel,
    my rain after a week in the desert, my diamond in the ruff.
    This pain, the stabbing in my hear is persistant
    and only draws me back to those memories which can no longer be.
    It is a cruel position to be in a place where you no longer have a thread of hope to cling to.
    But a small dim strand of faith shines through.
    Sometimes I lose it.
    But sometimes it reminds me.

  6. brianalynn34 brianalynn34
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:42am UTC
    ►Anyone ever look back to those old AIM conversations or messages, and think;
    Man , that was amazing♥

  7. woahhdevonnx woahhdevonnx
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:42am UTC
    I lie to you so you wont think i'm weak,
    I lie to myself to keep myself from breaking down. I believe
    you because I hope you would never lie. I loved you because
    anything else felt wrong. Everything I would say to anyone
    else was incomplete. When something good happens I was
    used to telling you about it. If I had you, I had everything.
    I only wish that was a lie. Now I have nothing. Nothing but
    my half truths, broken promises and heartache. I'm surrounded
    by people but,
    I still look for you in the crowd,

  8. kayleykins kayleykins
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:44am UTC
    i hate that i cant
    because of [you]
    all mine

  9. arr arr
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:46am UTC
    when ever your around
    i cant help but smile
    when ever you say my name
    i get so nervous
    when ever i see you
    i cant help but stare
    your the only one that can make me smile right now
    you may not know it yet
    but you will someday soon

  10. hcoCutiex3 hcoCutiex3
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:47am UTC
    that's what she >looked< like,
    when she said it.
    facebook grouup. :p

  11. Songbird Songbird
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:49am UTC
    When in love take nothing for granted.
    Nothing but memories can last forever.
    Make them count.

  12. ilybabyxx3 ilybabyxx3
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:50am UTC
    im gonna take you:
    ♦ to my house..
    ♦ in my bedroom..
    ♦ under the covers..
    ♦ with all the lights turned off
    im gonna show you my watch that
    glows in the dark!!!!
    what on earth
    were you thinking?....

  13. hopelessromanticxx hopelessromanticxx
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:56am UTC
    I was born to tell you I love you
    Isn't that a song already?
    I get a B in originality
    And it's true I can't go on without you
    Your smile makes me see clear
    If you could only see in the mirror
    w. h. a. t. I. s. e. e.....Y Y
    Vulnerable by Secondhand Serenade

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. antoniaa antoniaa
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 12:58am UTC
    in truly scared because i've never wanted to be with someone as much as i want to be with you and this scares me because i dont know if you want to be with me too. </3

  16. antoniaa antoniaa
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 1:01am UTC
    no guy is worth your tears, but the one who is, wouldn't make you cry<3

  17. jaytee jaytee
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 1:01am UTC
    you MIGHT at some point feel a little sad,
    missing someone who should be with you but isnt,
    and speculating about what he or she may be doing.
    but in the end that missing someone will be an excitement to see.

  18. JustinBieber_97 JustinBieber_97
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 1:01am UTC
    Who are you to judge me
    I know I'm not perfect & I don't claim to be
    But before you start pointing fingers, make sure your own hands are clean!!!

  19. k6h8r10 k6h8r10
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 1:01am UTC
    The best feeling when you come home with dirt all over your socks and sliders... And hair all messed up frommits ponytail. it's coming hime knowing your tried your hardest and even if you didn't win you still did amazing. it takes pratice and deacation.
    And what it dedication?
    dedication is practing four times a week. its blowing off your best friends to spend time with 13 other girls. Its trying your best and not giving up. It's cheering as loud as you can. its having a great time and leaving your social life for 4 or5 times a month. thats what dedication is... and it takes time,

  20. BIGDreamer BIGDreamer
    posted a quote
    March 21, 2010 1:01am UTC
    40 great things about Summer 2010
    Summer is almost here
    time to conquer fears
    Flowers and sleepovers 24/7
    this is going to be heaven
    shorts and dresses galore
    who could ask for anything more?
    swimming and green grass
    riding bikes extra fast
    sleeping late and no school
    this Summer is gonna be cool
    clouds and blue skies
    vacations and fireflies
    cartwheels and handstands
    warm weather and fans
    family gatherings and holidays
    yellows and sunny rays
    parties and beaches
    plums and peaches
    watching sunsets
    and cheering for the Mets
    Roller coasters and Disney Parks
    watching stars in the dark
    orange tans and candy
    this June is going to be dandy
    lemonade and Eclipse
    taking Florida trips
    festivals and bright lights
    going to the park and flying kites
    But it's not here what a bummer
    i can't wait for Summer!


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