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Quotes added on Saturday, November 19 2011

  1. Tere_rawr Tere_rawr
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:06am UTC
    ON HER
    Fave If your Against Teen Suicide.

  2. bsktblgrl19 bsktblgrl19
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:06am UTC
    You acted like you loved me yesterday,
    but today you act as though I'm not even there

  3. HarryPotterFanatic HarryPotterFanatic
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:06am UTC
    “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not
    his equals.”

    -Sirius Black

  4. SuperStar95 SuperStar95
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:06am UTC
    my cousin tht iwas really close to.. moved away afew years ago. and ihavent talked to him since. ijust now found him on FB and we were talking and he remembered my birthday. that just made me smile awhole lot. :DD

  5. KareBear7 KareBear7
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:06am UTC
    Standing in line at the movies...
    My brother: They were grinding on me.
    Me: What?
    My brother: they were pushing up on me and I was like no, get on my level...
    I love my brother!

  6. prettypricess101 prettypricess101
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:06am UTC
    In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities. Savannah I love you, and you, are my favorite girl. <3 Love, .............

  7. ilylotsxred ilylotsxred
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:07am UTC
    Official ilylotsxred™

  8. xXiRaWrUXx xXiRaWrUXx
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:07am UTC
    Do you ever get that feeling where you don't
    want to talk to anybody? You don't want to smile and you don't want
    to fake being happy. But at the same time you don't
    know exactly what's wrong either. There isn't a way to explain
    it to someone who doesn't already understand.
    If you could want anything in the world it would be to be
    alone. People have stopped being comforting and being along never was.
    At least when you're alone no one will constantly
    ask you what is wrong and there isn't anyone who won't take
    'I don't know' for an answer. You feel the way you do just because. You hope the feeling will pass soon and that you will be able to be yourself again, but until then all you can do is wait.
    nmq, found on website

  9. torii46 torii46
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:07am UTC
    Ke$ha has got it all wrong. . . it suppose to be:
    "the dudes are lining up cuz they hear we got the fever but we kick 'em to the curb inless the look like j.bieberrr"

  10. imissu1234 imissu1234
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:08am UTC
    Life is too short
    to wake up in the morning
    with regrets. so, love the
    people who treat you rught,
    forgive the ones you dont
    and belive everything
    happens for a reason.
    If you get a chance, take it.
    If it changes your life let it.
    Nobody said it'd be easy,
    They just promised
    it would be worth it.

  11. katie61696 katie61696
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:08am UTC
    Love is like a drug,
    it'll either kill you, or give you the best feeling of your life.♥

  12. i_love_nerds11 i_love_nerds11
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:08am UTC
    I said i'd never let you go,
    and I never did. I said I'd never let you fall, and I
    meant it.
    a day to remember; Have Faith In Me

  13. count_ON_me_123 count_ON_me_123
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:08am UTC
    « At least I left an impression on you
    too bad we had to end this way.
    format credit

  14. Jump_then_fall_27 Jump_then_fall_27
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:08am UTC
    Trying to study. .
    and failing epically


  15. shawna143 shawna143
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:10am UTC
    G_ F_ck Y_ _rs_elf
    - would you like to buy a vowel?

  16. Tay13xxx Tay13xxx
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:10am UTC
    see this right here? it's called,
    it's called accepting me for who I am,
    it's called telling me I am beautiful when I'm in sweat pants & a old shirt,
    it's called holding me through the night when I am in tears until the sunrises,
    it's called you and me,
    it's called

  17. IHeartPiano IHeartPiano
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:10am UTC
    and you weren't even talking about boys.♥
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  18. lm46 lm46
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:10am UTC
    Gawd, you are so fake.
    talking to your boobs?
    haha perfect comeback

  19. Lilanisa13 Lilanisa13
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:10am UTC
    This is my uncle's poem he choose be-4 he passed away:
    I'm Free
    Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free
    I'm following the path God has laid for me.
    I took His hand when I heard him call;
    I turned my back and left it all.
    I could not stay another day,
    To laugh, to love, to work or play.
    Tasks left undone must stay that way;
    I've now found peak at the close of day.
    If my parting has left a void,
    Then fill it with remembered joys.
    A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss;
    Oh yes, these things, I too will miss.
    Be not burdened with times of sorrow
    Look for the sunshine of tomorrow.
    My life's been full, I savored much;
    Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch.
    Perhaps my time seems all to brief;
    Don't lengthen your pain with undue grief.
    Lift up your heart and share with me,
    God wanted me now-He set me free
    I love you now and forever,
    Your little butter-ball :')

  20. TheLiesOfLove TheLiesOfLove
    posted a quote
    November 19, 2011 12:10am UTC
    Hold Me Close Dear, For I Am Falling Apart In Your Arms </3


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