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Quotes added on Sunday, April 1 2012

  1. QuQu101 QuQu101
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:04am UTC
    Let the pranking begin.

  2. carson5482 carson5482
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:04am UTC
    How to get a Top Quote on Witty:
    Peeta: Peeta (or Gale) sings a song. Katniss: Katniss tells him to stop.Fave this and I'll: 1)comment a name that sounds cute with yours, 2) blow up your notifications, 3) follow you, 4) leave you a sweet comment. I hate when people don't follow through! I promise I will! Blah blah blah.
    One Direction Quotes
    Post a quote from: Spongebob, Drake and Josh, Zach & Cody, Hunger Games, or The Notebook.
    Me: Conversation quotes also work. Friend: Yes they do! Me: I always use these. Friend: Then you must have a lot of Top Quotes!
    Witty Profiles Top Quotes
    Will this format get you a Top Quote?
    Or, you could use this format.
    Yes, yes, this format is nice.
    Talk about hating math. Or boys. Or girls. Or One Direction. Or Justin Bieber. Or life. Or anything else. Haters gon hate. I feel like I have posted too much. So I am done. Happy quoting. ;)

  3. alyyyy17 alyyyy17
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:05am UTC
    Do you even care?

  4. Taylor4near Taylor4near
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:05am UTC
    The way I look doesn't bother me
    but how much better everyone around me looks, that bothers me.

  5. cats_ cats_
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:06am UTC
    You love me,
    I love him,
    He loves her,
    and now all I have is,

  6. morgan143 morgan143
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:06am UTC
    ☐ Single
    ☐ Taken
    ☑ Well actually One Direction has taken over my life so i can no longer focus on real life relationships.

  7. Samantha4713 Samantha4713
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:06am UTC
    Live with no excuses
    love with no regrets <3
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  8. olivia_all_the_way olivia_all_the_way
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:06am UTC
    I have not failed... I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work !

  9. SMstories SMstories
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:06am UTC
    into your arms Chapter Two I was sitting in my room when the intruder barged in. Okay, so he wasn't an intruder, but...close. I snapped my eyes up and he flashed me an arrogant grin. I was going to have to live with that for a whole school year? I didn't even try to hide the disgust on my face. "Can I help you?" I snapped. He smirked suggestively and raised his eyebrows, "If you want, sure." I gave him a blank stare and looked back down at the book I was reading. I used to go out on the weekend. Now, not so much. My mother was all the more protective. My dad overworked himself too much. All my fault. I tried to keep the guilt at bay. Cruz cleared his throat. I ignored him, flipping the page. "So you're really going to read all day?" he asked me. I flipped him the bird. Maybe he would do better with hand gestures. He flopped down onto my bed. I sighed heavily. Nope. "What's your name, anyway?" "Hazel." Maybe he would finally leave me alone if I just answered his stupid questions. I looked up at him, then. I jumped backwards, dropping my book. I hadn't realized how close his face was to mine since I had been hunched over my book. "Jeez!" I snapped at him, trying to hide my flushed cheeks. I turned away from him. "Jumpy much?" he sniggered. I glared at him. He didn't even know. If he knew how I got like this, he wouldn't have said anything. My hands brushed over my stomach like they always did. Sometimes I didn't even realize I was doing it until I looked down. He must've realized I wasn't joking around because he stopped laughing at me, and left soon after. I sat back down on my bed, swallowing the huge lump in my throat. Cruz's POV: This huge house was making me dizzy. I tried to find the girly guestroom the lady had given me, yellow curtains and baby blue sheets and all, and thought about Hazel. She'd be smoking hot if she wore less baggy clothes, and maybe pushed her hair out of her eyes once in a while. She was even reading. On the weekend. Who does that? I shuddered. I finally found the room, and thought about Ruth, Hazel's mother I guess. She was decent. She didn't hover around me every five seconds like the people in the foster home had and gave me a roof over my head. I flipped down onto the small bed, exhaling through my nose. My door opened a crack. I almost cricked my neck I turned so fast. Raising my eyebrows, I saw Hazel in the doorway. A smirk spread across my lips.- - - - - hi guys. lol. yup another chapter finally ~

  10. BeccaBunneh BeccaBunneh
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:06am UTC
    You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
    You: Hey
    Stranger: hi
    You: What's up?
    Stranger: nm
    Stranger: how are you?
    You: Pretty good, you?
    Stranger: am too
    Stranger: asl?
    You have disconnected.
    I panicked. Wth does that mean?!
    (Haha, newb question.)

  11. LifelessSoul LifelessSoul
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:07am UTC
    You know who is beautiful?
    Read the first word!! <3

  12. strawberryforever strawberryforever
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:07am UTC
    I haven't known him that long, but he's a better boyfriend in one day then you were in six monthes.
    wan ♥
    Format: twilightgirl995

  13. Phoebe* Phoebe*
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:07am UTC
    Heey Grammy.Going up to Alexa's for couple of days so won't see you for a while.
    Okay, don't forget the condoms, sweetie.
    Haha, gotta hate that auto-correct right?
    What's this, auto-correct?
    Oh. My. Goodness

  14. xXjustapersonXx xXjustapersonXx
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:07am UTC
    I feel bad for the next generation,
    Their parents will know how to check the computers browser history.

  15. KatieLynnWoods KatieLynnWoods
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:07am UTC
    My Boyfriend said this to me lastnight; If I had a nickel for everytime I saw someone as pretty as you I would have 5 cents. Awe he's so sweet <3

  16. Lmsx123 Lmsx123
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:08am UTC
    I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him.I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him. I'm over him.
    Ap r i l f o o l s ! ♥

  17. lostlover27 lostlover27
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:08am UTC
    "I'm so over him!"
    Brain: Exactly. Time to move on.
    Mind: There'll be someone new. I promise!
    Gut: It's okay. He's gone. you'll be fine.
    Instincts: He's not coming back.
    Conscience: You're getting over him. Let it go.
    Eyes: look-that guy over there is cute!
    Ears: did that guy just compliment you're personality?
    Smile: Keep on keepin' on :)
    Friends: He was a total jerk. You'd be cute with so-and-so!!!
    Feet: walk away. for good.
    Nose: mmm smell that boy's cologne!
    Bro: you can do this, sis. give it time.
    Heart: who the hell are you guys kidding?

    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:08am UTC
    I want to belong.
    I want to wake up everyday feeling like I know what’s going to happen, like I know that it’s going to be a good day. Simply because I am surrounded by people that I know love me.
    I don’t feel like that anymore I feel alone and afraid.
    Of everything.
    People think I’m happy, but I know I’m not. I’m trying.
    But I’m getting tired.
    I know people care, and I hate myself for hating myself and the world.
    I have so much to tell, but only a few ears who will listen.
    I know too many people feel the way I do, and so I feel like I shouldn’t complain.
    I feel like I should try to climb up, but instead I’m falling.
    Too many have it WAY worse than me.
    But it still doesn’t mean I don’t feel empty.
    Because, well I do.

  19. imperfectbarbie imperfectbarbie
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:08am UTC
    Obviously when you text someone and they don't text back, it means they fainted with excitment!

  20. alyyyy17 alyyyy17
    posted a quote
    April 1, 2012 12:08am UTC
    Boyfriend by justin bieber >>


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