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Quotes added on Tuesday, February 26 2013

  1. Mrs_One_Direction Mrs_One_Direction
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 12:57am UTC
    Kiss You: Chapter Twenty
    Emily’s P.O.V
    “Thank you so much for doing this,” Lou told us handing Lux over.
    “No problem, Lou,” Liam answered.
    “Are you sure you’re okay to look after her?” she asked.
    “We’ll be fine with her. Go out, have fun. We’ll see you tonight at nine,” Liam said giving her a kiss on the cheek as she left.
    He handed Lux over to me and I rested her on my hip. “Hey baby.”
    She gripped my hair and tugged on it lightly. We’d only be looking after her for two or three hours, it was hardly anything. Liam walked past and kissed me for a few seconds.
    “I’m going to put on a movie for her,” he said.
    I followed him to the television, “What are you putting on?”
    He smiled guiltily and held up a DVD case. Toy Story. I giggled, “Are you sure that’s for Lux, Li?”
    “Who else would it be for?” he retaliated.
    I smiled and sat down on the couch with Lux. Liam came over and sat next to us, taking Lux from my lap and putting her on his. I moved into the corner of the couch and brought my knees to my chest, and began to watch the movie. Fifteen minutes into it, I thought I should probably do some of my work from university, so I went our room and got my books. I laid them out on the table in front of the TV, and began the algebra work. Liam leaned forward and kissed my cheek noticing what I was doing, then sat back again.
    After checking one of the questions, and finding I got it wrong, I needed help. “Lee-yum,” I whined, “I don’t get it.”
    He sat forward and studied the question for a few seconds. He tried to explain what went wrong in my math the best he could and I sort of understood when he was finished.
    After another hour of algebra, I decided to have a break. Toy Story had finished a while ago and Liam had put something else on. I sat back and looked over at Liam who was playing with Lux, still sitting on his lap. He was speaking baby-talk and over-exaggerating his facial expressions but it was adorable. I smiled.
    He looked over and saw me. “What?” he asked with a laugh.
    “You’re good with her. You’re good with kids. And it’s cute,” I let him know.
    He nodded, “You’re not too bad yourself. You’ll be an amazing mother someday.”
    “And you’ll be a fantastic father,” I said tilting my head to the side as I looked at him.
    He leaned over to kiss me; just a short, sweet, lingering kiss. I swear we’re like an old couple.
    I giggled at the thought causing Liam to say, “Was that one of those ‘old couple’ moments you talk about?”
    I had said it to him before. I smiled, bit my lip and nodded. He laughed and went back to playing with Lux, who was becoming very sleepy. Her eyes were drooping and her head dropped.
    “Here, I’ll take her,” I said to Liam standing up and picking her up off his lap. I bounced her on my hip for about a minute until she fell asleep. As if on cue, the door knocked softly, and Liam went to answer it. It was Lou, back for Lux. She told us she was very grateful, we told her it wasn’t a problem then she was off, sleeping Lux with her. Liam went back to the couch but I went to the kitchen and made us both a cup of tea. When I had finished, I walked out giving Liam his tea.
    “Thanks,” he said taking a sip then putting it on the table in front of us, still covered by my books. I placed my head on his shoulder and cuddled him.
    “Hi honey,” he said as I put my arm around his waist- our first time alone in a few hours.
    “Hey baby. What time is it?” I asked him.
    “Err,” he raised his butt of the couch and I decided it would be easier for him if I just let go of him so he could get to his phone in his back pocket. He checked the time, “It’s twenty past ten.”
    It was pretty late but I wasn’t that tired. I went back to cuddling with him. “Emily,” Liam said deeply.
    “Yeah,” I responded looking at the TV, only half-listening to what he was saying.
    “Have you ever thought about kids?” he asked. That got my attention. We’d talked casually about kids before, but I could tell just by his tone and the sudden strain in the room that this time he was serious.
    I lifted my head off his chest so I could look at his eyes while we spoke, “With you?”
    He nodded. Of course I had. And I hadn’t just thought about it, I wanted kids with him. “Maybe just a little,” I said bringing my hand up next to my face and using my index finger and thumb to resemble a small space. That was an understatement.
    I dropped my hand and rested it on the waistband of his pants. “What about you?”
    “I’ve always wanted kids, Emily,” he said rubbing my back.
    “But with me?” I asked.
    He looked down at me with those eyes that made me melt and blinked, “Well- I- yeah. Yes.”
    “You’re such a dork,” I commented on his fluster with a giggle. “But you’re my dork,” I added softly wrapping my arms around his neck. I pulled him down to be in level with my face and crashed my lips onto his.
    “One day we will,” he said breaking the kiss.
    “Will what?” I asked, slightly confused.
    “Have a family together,” he said nodding.
    I smiled and snuggled back into him. I liked the thought of having a family with the love of my life.

  2. missperfect1129 missperfect1129
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:04am UTC
    What do you do when someone you love
    lets you down...really f//cks you over?

  3. missperfect1129 missperfect1129
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:09am UTC
    but most of all you are a coward.

  4. BeRecklessBeBrave BeRecklessBeBrave
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:10am UTC
    Today I found out
    my crush ( that I've like for awhile)
    transferred schools..
    wow...that's all I can say :/

  5. luvmeplz luvmeplz
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:10am UTC
    Boys, when a girl tries to talk to you 24/7, she's in love with you.

  6. luvmeplz luvmeplz
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:12am UTC
    I blame the preview of my quotes for my high expectations of favorites and comments.

  7. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  8. missperfect1129 missperfect1129
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:17am UTC

    It's like, I did everything for you...and you just screwed me over. You lied to me...you were just using me.

  9. luvmeplz luvmeplz
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:19am UTC
    It's funny how every single day I put on a fake smile and act ok and no one ever seems to notice...

  10. redstarburst redstarburst
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:19am UTC
    And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming.
    Or the moment of truth in your lies.
    When everything feels like the movies.
    Yeah, you'd bleed just to know you're alive...

  11. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  12. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  13. Leondoor Leondoor
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:30am UTC
    I fee like Atlas
    with the weight of the world on my shoulders.

  14. luvmeplz luvmeplz
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:31am UTC
    How many people would trade everything just for him to notice you?

  15. Kelseylr Kelseylr
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:31am UTC
    A person commits suicide every 15 minutes.
    You didn't care when they were alive, so why care when they are dead?
    So, instead of directing our eyes to the dead. We should be opening our ears to the living.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. parismagentarose parismagentarose
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:37am UTC
    Extremely bored, so... I'm doing the 30 day challenge.
    Day 1:
    15 Facts about You:
    1: I'm Australian.
    2: I have separated parents, and I don't get along with either of them really.
    3: I get told I'm skinny a lot, but I don't like my body.
    4: I still act like a kid.
    5: I always feel tired.
    6: I have two sisters and a brother, and both my sisters are married. (All of my siblings are heaps older than me.)
    7: I love music so much.
    8: If I could have my dream job, I'd be a boxer/writer/pyschologist/singer.
    9: I'd be lost without my iPhone.
    10: My favourite fruit is mango.
    11: I sleep a lot.
    12: I wish I didn't bite my nails.
    13: I love to travel.
    14: I absolutely dread school.
    15: My room is covered with Eiffel Tower stuff, because my first name is Paris.

  18. redstarburst redstarburst
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:40am UTC

    Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules. And they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.


  19. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  20. Rocha831 Rocha831
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2013 1:44am UTC
    And no matter how much i want to..
    It's just not worth it anymore


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