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Quotes added on Friday, January 31 2014

  1. Ineedmakyinme Ineedmakyinme
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 2:11am UTC
    I hate myself.
    I often think of death.
    Suicide is a reasonable option.

  2. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  3. Ineedmakyinme Ineedmakyinme
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 2:13am UTC
    If, for some reason,
    our airplane was experiencing problems,
    I would help you with your oxygen mask
    before adjusting me.
    And that's against sky code.

  4. Ineedmakyinme Ineedmakyinme
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 2:15am UTC
    I no longer know
    if I wish to drown myself
    in pills,
    or the sea.

  5. Ineedmakyinme Ineedmakyinme
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 2:17am UTC
    I no longer know
    if I wish to drown myself
    in pills,
    or the sea.

  6. Ineedmakyinme Ineedmakyinme
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 2:21am UTC
    "Don't know it,
    Before you try it"
    I thought I had liked pets
    Until it's 3am
    On a school night
    And my hamsters won't stop
    I thought I liked drinking
    Until it's midnight
    And the room is spinning
    And that guy won't stop
    I thought I liked driving
    Until it's 10pm
    And it's windy
    And the snow won't stop
    And I thought I liked you
    Until it's the morning
    And my stomach's sick
    And I won't stop
    And I thought I liked life
    Until I remember
    I haven't tried

  7. RVM RVM
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 2:24am UTC
    Enthusiasm is a Power that can give Dreams to the Dreamless, Life to the Lifeless, and Hope to the Hopeless.-RVM

  8. lil_purple_flower lil_purple_flower
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 3:12am UTC
    Our eyes lock. Who will look away first?It's the question on my mind. It feels like minutes go by.Although only seconds have passed.And the world around me is all a blur. Thousands of emotions,Rushing through my head.I can't hold your gaze any longer. I dart my eyes away. Release the breath I am holding. Hold back the pricking tears.I wonder what you're thinking.I can't begin to imagine.But one little question still remains..Do you miss me too?

  9. jakeyy_dw jakeyy_dw
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 3:30am UTC
    is proof
    that a new
    pair of
    shoes can
    your life

  10. _geronimo_* _geronimo_*
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 4:31am UTC
    My English teacher almost made me cry in class today,
    It was her speech about being comfortable with who you are.
    I really needed to hear that,
    Because you know,
    It's kinda nice hearing someone say something nice about you other than your mum.
    She told us about how she was when she was younger,
    And how she accepts who she is now.
    She told the class that in everyone of us she saw something beautiful.
    It was just nice,
    You know?

  11. ajxo* ajxo*
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 4:56am UTC
    it hurts to think about how far we've fallen since then

  12. _geronimo_* _geronimo_*
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 4:56am UTC
    It's nice having someone say something nice about you, you know?
    It just makes me happy to know that someone reckons that in some way, I am pretty chill. Because for someone with as low self esteem as I do, having someone tell me that I'm hella rad or what ever, is actually pretty chill.

  13. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  14. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  15. honeyblood5 honeyblood5
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 5:40am UTC
    If you like water,
    you are going to LOVE
    70% of me.

  16. Adryanblue* Adryanblue*
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 5:55am UTC
    I dont ever wana ex again so if you planning on exiting, exit then leave me now!

  17. hello_universe hello_universe
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 6:11am UTC
    Just when things were starting to get a little better.. Everything starts going bad again..

  18. _geronimo_* _geronimo_*
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 6:33am UTC
    So I was listening to Restoring Force earlier on, and all I can say is that 'Feels Like Forever' is my jam.

  19. jakeyy_dw jakeyy_dw
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 6:48am UTC
    Kanye West makes a song about gold diggers...
    Then has a baby with Kim Kardashian.

  20. mariepie99 mariepie99
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2014 6:49am UTC
    I do my best to love everybody. . . I'm hard put sometimes, it's never an insult to be called what some people think is a bad name.It just shows how poor that person is, it doen't hurt you.


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